Sunday, August 4, 2024

Marie of New France

Our Sunday book right now us about Saint Marie.  Having traveled to Québec, I find such biographies quite interesting.  

Unser Sonntagsbuch beschreibt das Leben von der Heiligen Marie von Neufrankreich (Québec).  Da ich dort schon gereist bin, finde ich solche Bücher immer sehr interessant.

Leo rested on the day of rest.  He chose Miriam's coat for that.  Her friend Mary from college sewed that coat for her.
Leo hat sich am Sonntag, dem Ruhetag, ausgeruht.  Das geht am besten auf Miriams Mantel, den Miriams Kommilitonin Mary für sie genäht hat.

And now he thinks he needs to help Peter with his work.
Und jetzt hilft er Peter bei der Arbeit.

We went to church this morning and our pastor was back from his vacation.  Last Sunday, we had a different priest.  We gave one of our college students a ride (he is working here over the summer).  After lunch, we attended the birthday party of one of our parishioners: he turned 100!  He has been a very active man in our area.  In 1935 he joined the Rotary Club and in 1946 he joined the fire department.  He worked for the fire department for 77 years and was, among other things, fire chief.  

Heute morgen waren wir natürlich in der Kirche.  Unser Pfarrer war wieder da.  Letzten Sonntag hatte er Urlaub und wir hatten eine Vertretung.  Wir haben einen Collegestudenten, der im Sommer hier arbeitet, nach Hause gebracht.  Nach dem Mittagessen waren wir bei einer Geburtstagsfeier von einem alten Herrn aus unserer Kirche: Er ist 100 geworden.  1935 ist er Mitglied des Rotary Clubs geworden und 1946 ist er der freiwilligen Feuerwehr beigetreten.  Für die hat er 77 Jahr gearbeitet, u.a. als Feuerwehrhauptmann.


  1. Leo is so cute :) The coat Miriam's friend made looks lovely . . such a pretty color. Quebec is such a lovely city! And how inspiring to attend your parishioner's 100th birthday. 77 years in the fire department! Such good work. It's amazing how the days go by for us.

    1. He is very funny sometimes! Recently, he goes into the "basement" and sits in front of Jonathan's fridge (we put it down there and are using it right now). He hopes that a cricket will appear (sometimes it does) because he wants to eat it! I love Québec! It is so European! He did not look like 100 years old. He could pass for 70, I think. He was very active in the area and ran his own gas station for many, many years.

    2. Funny Leo . . liking to eat the crickets! I enjoy listening to crickets at night when falling asleep. I love when I can hear one in the courtyard. It's been awhile since I was in Quebec and I was not there long . . it was a high school trip. I'd love to return. How amazing your parishioner is to look so young . . a lovely gift! (My dad used to have his own gas station years ago before he worked for the County).

    3. He also tries to eat toads, big ones! And snakes. He is crazy. We just dropped him off at a "pet resort" to stay there while we are gone. I hope he will be okay because they do not offer him crickets, etc. We have so many crickets here! Québec is so beautiful! Ah, I did not know your dad used to have a gas station. Do you remember the gas station?

    4. Yes, I do remember it well. Toads! Oh, those poor toads! I hope he has fun at the pet resort . . I think I remember you saying he could be a bit shy. We have many crickets in the lawn at the house. I didn't mow a particular area because I could see them hopping around . . I didn't want to mow them over!

    5. He got a report card at his "spa" and it was very good. They did not mention his crazy antics . . . They would love him to come back. They mentioned he was shy for two days, but then warmed up and was very friendly. Now he is trying to catch a moth in the living-room, but Peter is taking it away. He cannot resist any moving object.

      Oh, I think those crickets hop away when the lawnmower comes, at least ours do. The toads are a different story. You have to be careful to not run over them.

    6. You are probably right about the crickets. It also probably helps if the grass isn't too long. We don't have toads as the lawn is too dry for them . . unless around the perimeter. How nice that Leo warmed up to the other cats and was able to enjoy being there!

    7. No toads! We have so many here. We were surprised that they did not tell us that Leo is a bit on the wild side.

    8. Cricket is very much like Leo . . he tries to hunt and attack everything . . even my loose hair or my braid when I do some yoga moves on the rug . .

    9. Ha, ha, that is funny! Leo especially liked Charlotte's hair when she was still here.

  2. P.S. Miriam's friend loves to sew. She is very talented.

    1. What a wonderful talent to have :) !

    2. Yes, and now she has transferred to the University of Mary to study engineering!

    3. !! That's interesting! Certainly good job opportunities in Engineering, I would think!


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