Wednesday, August 14, 2024


Here a few pictures from Charlotte's new abode and neighborhood.  She has started teaching ballet classes and will start dancing in a company soon.  The traffic in Denver is awful and she has to drive every day.  On Sunday, she went to Mass in the cathedral.

Hier sind einige Fotos von Charlottes neuer Wohnung und Wohngegend.  Sie hat schon mit dem Unterrichten von Ballettklassen angefangen und bald tanzt sie auch mit ihrer Ballettkompanie.  Der Verkehr in Denver ist sehr schrecklich und sie muß jeden Tag fahren.  Am Sonntag war sie in der Kathedrale zur Messe.

There are cacti in Charlotte's neighborhood.
In Charlottes Wohngegend gibt es Kakteen.

You may park your scooter here.
Man kann seinen Roller hier abstellen.


Charlotte in front of her apartment door.  She has a studio, so no separate bedroom.
Charlotte vor ihrer Eingangstür.  Sie hat ein Studio, also kein eigentliches Schlafzimmer, sondern Wohn-, Schlaf- und Eßzimmer sind ein Zimmer.




"Bedroom" and "Dining-area"
"Schlafzimmer" und "Eßecke"


Walk-in closet

Here, they are moving the sleeper-sofa around lots of corners and up many steps into her apartment.  Peter and Charlotte had gone to Ikea to buy a few things, including this sofa.
Hier transportieren sie ihr Schlafsofa um viele Ecken herum und viele Treppen hoch in ihre Wohnung.  Peter und Charlotte haben bei Ikea ein paar Dinge für die Wohnung gekauft, auch dieses Sofa hier.


  1. I love Charlotte’s new home it is just perfect and will be a breeze to clean! Her Saturday morning chores will be over and done within 30 minutes 🙂👍🏻

    1. True, very tiny, but cozy :). Yes, cleaning will go fast.

  2. What a lovely little apartment! And she's fixed it up so well. Her apartment complex looks nice too. Denver is a pretty place I think. There seems to be bad traffic in every city! I love her walk-in closet and the little pine dresser is sweet!

    1. I also think that it looks nice, even with not much things we had to furnish it. She has met some people around her and now has a cat who likes to visit.

    2. How sweet to have the neighborhood cat visit :)

    3. Yes, hard to believe in such a big place!


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