Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Steubenville, Ohio, etc.

Steubenville, Ohio River
  • Jonathan is almost done with his work at the law firm's office in NYC.  He asked me for my spaghetti sauce recipe because all the young men and women in his dorm will be doing some cooking together.  He will be coming home soon, but leave again to do a Hertog Foundation seminar in D.C.
  • Miriam and Peter are in Ohio, participating in a different Hildebrand Project.  It is going well.  Miriam has also had a chance to visit with her former roommate Nancy, who lives in the Steubenville area because her father works at Franciscan University.
  • Veronika registered for an advanced French class in the fall with Homeschool Connections.  She really likes the teacher and wants to keep up her French.
  • I am almost done with writing up Flora's IHIP for the coming school year.  It is due by August 15th.  Now I have to move on to some German things for the next semester.
  • Flora is doing all art classes the area offers.  Today she made a notebook at the library and tomorrow we will driver her to another art class, further south, with a teacher she has taken many summer art classes with.
  • We had a storm come through today, many people lost power, but we did not.  At least, it is a bit cooler now.
  • A cute picture book we read a few days ago is Goldfish on Vacation (paid link).  It is based on a true story of the Hamilton Fountain in New York City.
Hamilton Fountain
Hamilton Brunnen

  • Jonathan ist fast mit seiner Sommerarbeit für die Anwaltskanzlei in New York fertig.  Neulich hat er mich nach dem Rezept meiner Spaghettisoße gefragt, weil alle jungen Leute in seinem Wohnheim zusammen kochen wollen.  Bald kommt er kurz nach Hause, um dann wieder nach Washington zu fliegen, um an einem Seminar der Hertog Stiftung teilzunehmen.
  • Miriam und Peter sind in Ohio und nehmen an einem weiteren Hildebrand Projekt teil.  Es ist sehr interessant.  Miriam hat auch ihre Mitbewohnerin von Magdalen College sehen können, weil sie in der Nähe von Steubenville wohnt und ihr Vater bei Franciscan University arbeitet.  
  • Veronika hat sich für einen fortgeschrittenen Französischkurs (online) angemeldet.  Sie hat mit der Lehrerin schon mehrere Kurse gemacht und möchte auch im Herbst weiter mit Französisch machen.
  • Ich habe fast meinen Unterrichtsplan für Flora für das nächste Schuljahr fertig.  Bis zum 15. August muß ich ihn bei der Schulbehörde einreichen.  Jetzt muß ich mich meinen Deutschseminaren für das nächste Semester widmen.
  • Flora macht alle Sommerkunstkurse in der Gegend, die sie finden kann.  Sie sind alle kostenlos und machen ihr großen Spaß.  Heute hat sie ein Notizbuch in der Bücherei hergestellt und morgen macht sie ein Projekt mit der Kunstlehrerin, mit der sie schon mehrere Sommer lang Kunst gemacht hat.  Dafür müssen wir aber etwas weiter fahren.
  • Heute gab es ein großes Unwetter mit Stromausfall, aber uns ist der Strom erhalten geblieben.  Wenigstens ist es jetzt ein bißchen kühler.
  • Wir haben ein hübsches Bilderbuch über den Hamilton Brunnen in New York gelesen.


  1. Hello Eva, it's so nice to hear how everyone is doing. The Goldfish picture book is sweet! Thank you for including. I've put a hold on it at my library :)

    1. Have you visited the fountain? It must be quite spectacular.

    2. No, lol, I need to make an effort now :) It's a good ways uptown at 76th Street.

    3. I think it looks quite impressive.

    4. Yes, I'm glad they keep it looking so beautiful now.

    5. And it is due to this man the picture book is about.

  2. Hello again . . I am now caught up with your hot and lovely summer days. Didn't Peter give a talk about Hildebrande? I hope Miriam has a wonderful time, and good luck to Veronika with her foot and the driving test. How is Charlotte is Colorado? Do you normally have so many tornado warnings?

    1. The first time he went, Peter gave a paper on a translation he is working on: He is translating Hildebrand's book "Engelbert Dollfuß. Ein katholischer Staatsmann" into English. The second time he went he was on a panel about "The Challenge of Community." Miriam took part in the discussion and seminars that followed the presentations of the panelists. Veronika is walking more and drove for the first time on Wednesday. Hopefully she can drive more again. Her foot is still kind of blue, but not so swollen anymore. Charlotte is back. She stayed just a few days. She interviewed for some ballet teaching positions. She still does not know if it all will work out. No, we never have tornado warnings. And we hardly ever have tornadoes touching down. This year is a record year: seven or eight or more so far touching down. Crazy!

    2. Oh my gosh, that is so crazy about the tornadoes . .! Here's hoping for a good opportunity for Charlotte xoxo How nice for Miriam to participate and Peter's translation sounds interesting. What a nice project to work on. The Community panel sounds interesting and important too. Tell Veronika slow and steady wins the race xoxo I hope she can soon test for the license.

    3. Yes, there definitely is a change in weather around here. Yes, I do hope Charlotte will get to try out Denver for a year (she does not think she wants to live there permanently). I think the Hildebrand people are all very nice and very interesting. They come from all over the world and are fun to be with. I will let Veronika know. She practiced again today.

  3. P.S. I've never read House of the Seven Gables! I don't even have a copy on my bookshelf . . I'm feeling motivated to read it now!

    1. Yes, you should. I like it. And you should go and visit the house in Salem. It is a wonderful place!

    2. Yes! Greg would really enjoy that also. You know, Greg's ancestors once signed a petition requesting the release of a local woman from the jail as she had been incarcerated for possible witchcraft! They were living in Salisbury, Massachusetts. I thought that was very brave of them . . they first arrived in Salisbury in 1636 . . I can't remember the date of the petition. I'd have to consult his family book.

    3. That is fascinating! When I was in my teens, I read several books about witch trials in Germany. How awful they were!


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