Monday, July 29, 2024

Perfect Swimming Afternoon/Perfekter Schwimmnachmittag

The geese share the lake with us.
Die Gänse waren auch dabei.

We spent a perfect afternoon at the lake.  Only Miriam and Peter stayed home.
Wir haben eine perfekten Nachmittag am See verbracht.  Nur Miriam und Peter sind zu Hause geblieben.

The goldenrod is already blooming.  I find this very early.
Die Goldrute blüht schon, was eigentlich viel zu früh ist.

Fun in the water
Spaß im Wasser

and on land
und an Land


  1. Idyllic! We always have several geese sharing our green spaces by the river also. Good book reading! Is Jonathan reading the Armageddon Averted? And I think I remember you mentioning Emilie and Teodor . . ?

    1. These geese were getting quite bold. They did not care about the people at all and left their droppings . . . Yes, that is Jonathan's book. He is reading it for his upcoming Hertog seminar. He is leaving next week for that. Yes, I have been working my way through those letters for ages! I am always too tired or occupied to read more than a few pages. It is awful!

    2. Oh, I know . . I like to read when I crawl into bed in the evening but often fall asleep over my book . . and lately whenever I try to read it's too hot, so I fall asleep!


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