Monday, July 15, 2024

Baby Catbird/Junger Katzenvogel

There is a baby catbird in our backyard.  So cute!
Im Garten hinter dem Haus ist ein junger Katzenvogel, der sehr süß ist!


  1. So cute! I heard a catbird the last time I was at my sister's and they do sound amazingly like cats! I've never heard one here in the city or out at the house . . It was nice to hear in Connecticut. I'm more aware now of the different bird calls since I loaded the Merlin Bird ID onto my phone. I really enjoy learning the different bird calls. There's lots of things I don't like about my phone, but this is a good thing!

    1. We first had not see him, but the parents were nearby and chirped angrily because we were out with Leo. We then moved Leo to the front and the parents must have moved the bird. Catbirds can sound like cats, but also sing beautifully. Oh, those ID programs are wonderful. I wonder if Jonathan has one on his phone. I am still not a big fan of my phone and only use it when I travel. It seems to never do what I want it to do and is just so cumbersome to use. All these small screens!

    2. Nice that the parents moved the bird . . yes, too many screens :( It's hard to balance properly. It's best you use your phone rarely.

    3. Yes, very considerate of them. I guess I do use my phone rarely.


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