Tuesday, July 9, 2024

Hot Summer Days/Heiße Sommertage

It has been very hot and our days are quite slow right now.  You can see that in the following pictures.
Es ist im Moment wieder sehr heiß und wir bewegen uns langsam durch den Tag.  Das kann man auch auf den folgenden Fotos sehen.

Leo likes to sleep on the shelf in front of the window when it is hot.
Leo schläft gerne auf dem Regal vor dem Fenster, wenn es heiß ist.

When we are awake enough, we like to read.
Wenn wir wach genug sind, lesen wir gerne.

Miriam is reading philosophical, historical, and theological texts to prepare for her upcoming Hildebrand seminars.
Miriam liest philosophische, historische und theologische Texte, um sich auf ihre Hildebrand Seminare vorzubereiten.

Charlotte and Flora are reading books for the library reading program.
Flora und Charlotte lesen Bücher für das Büchereileseprogramm.

Veronika and I have started The House of Seven Gables.  I visited the house many years ago, before I was married.  It is fun to share this book with one of my daughters now.

Veronika und ich haben mit Dem Haus mit den sieben Giebeln angefangen.  Ich war vor vielen Jahren einmal dort, noch bevor ich verheiratet war.  Es ist schön, mit einer meiner Töchter dieses Buch zusammen zu lesen.

And our picture book (paid link) of the day was about Evelyn Glennie: What a fascinating story about a deaf girl and her love of music.

Unser Bilderbuch nach dem Mittagessen war die faszinierende Lebensgeschichte der tauben Musikerin Evelyn Glennie.  

See and hear for yourself!
Hier kann man sie sehen und hören!


  1. Evelyn Glennie is just brill 🙂. We watched a documentary about here many years ago at the start of her popularity x

    1. It is amazing what she has accomplished. I had never heard of her before.

  2. So true about being awake :) and I have so many wonderful memories of particular books I've read through very hot summer days (one of them being the first book of the Earthsea Trilogy by Ursula Le Guin. And thanks for including the video with. Evelyn Glennie. I had never heard of her before either . . my local branch has the book you posted.

    1. Funny how we sometimes remember books we read in connection to certain situations or times of year. I have never read that trilogy, but maybe some of my girls have. I had not heard of Evelyn Glennie either. Sometimes children's books can open new worlds not just to children, but also to adults.

    2. Yes, that's why I've enjoyed learning with my children so much :) xoxo


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