Thursday, July 18, 2024

Reading Outside/Wir lesen draußen

Fog this morning
Nebel heute morgen

When Peter came back the last time from Steubenville, he had this surprise for us: two chairs and a small table.  Now the girls can do their work outside as they did this morning.  In the afternoon I worked there on my German.

Als Peter vor einigen Wochen aus Steubenville zurückgekommen ist, hatte er diese Überraschung für uns: zwei Stühle und einen Tisch.  Jetzt können die Mädchen draußen arbeiten, was sie heute vormittag auch gemacht haben.  Nachmittags habe ich da an meinen deutschen Sachen gearbeitet.

Flora finished this book today, a book I loved when I was a girl.
Flora hat heute dieses Buch zu Ende gelesen.  Als Mädchen habe ich dieses Buch sehr gemocht.


  1. Your summer sounds just as busy as your term time days! Well done for accomplishing all that you do. Is Veronika deferring her college start until she has attended the planned London trip next year? It will seem strange only having one official home school student in September. The table and chairs certainly look to be a welcoming place to read and learn xxx

    1. It is and it seems to be running away from me. I always have so many plans for the summer, but then many of them do not materialize. Yes, Veronika is going to wait until the fall of 2025. She also has not picked a college yet. She still wants to visits a few more places before making a decision, but she has to apply before Christmas. Yes, just Flora and I will have a cozy time together :). The table and chairs are perfect for us. They get used every day. Maybe one day we can afford a bigger set. I hope you are well.

  2. What a lovely book! And I think it's nice to sit out on the deck . . in the sun or the shade :)

    1. Yes, sitting out there is marvelous. I loved that book as a child and it has many cats in it.


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