Sunday, July 21, 2024

Neue Galerie in New York

Jonathan visited the Neue Galerie to see their special exhibition about Paula Modersohn-Becker.  She painted many of her paintings in Worpswede.  We have visited Worpswede several times.  Here you can see our visit from 2017 when we also visited Paula Modersohn-Becker's grave.  

Jonathan war in der Neuen Galerie in New York um die Sonderausstellung über Paula Modersohn-Becker zu sehen.  Paula Modersohn-Becker hat in Worpswede gelebt und gemalt.  Wir waren schon mehrere Male in Worpswede und haben 2017 ihr Grab besucht.  Hier sind unsere Fotos davon.


  1. Oh! So good he saw it before leaving the city!

    1. Yes, most of the paintings are from the Kunstgalerie Bremen. Our local newspaper at home had an article about the paintings being shown in NYC :).

    2. I really have to go! I wrote it down on the top part of my August calendar so that when I turn the page, I will be sure to schedule a day for myself.

    3. Jonathan tried to go on a day when it was free, but the lines were so long, he gave up. So he decided to go on a day when he had to pay, but for students the fee was not so bad.

    4. Oh, that's good the student fee wasn't so bad. Yes, I plan on paying as I know how long the lines can be . . I don't mind. I rarely go, so it's a nice treat.

    5. I was surprised how reasonable it was. Enjoy when you get to go!


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