Thursday, September 29, 2022


St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle, be our protection against the wickedness and snares of the devil. May God rebuke him we humbly pray; and do thou, O Prince of the Heavenly host, by the power of God, cast into hell Satan and all the evil spirits who prowl about the world seeking the ruin of souls.


Michaelmas Play at the Waldorf School: The Devil's Scythe
Michaeli Theaterstück bei der Waldorfschule

It was a beautiful day.
Es war ein sehr schöner Tag.

We stopped at "our farm" (this is where Julius was born) and bought a pie pumpkin.

Wir haben auch bei unserem Bauernhof angehalten (hier ist Julius geboren worden) und haben einen Kürbis gekauft.

We briefly came home, the girls put on their ballet things, and off we went again in the other direction.  I graded my students' homework in the children's section of the library because the room I normally use was not open that day.

Wir sind kurz zu Hause gewesen, die Mädchen haben sich für Ballett umgezogen und dann ging es zur Ballettstunde in die andere Richtung.  Ich habe in der Kinderabteilung Hausaufgaben von meinen Studenten korrigiert, weil der normale Raum, den ich sonst benutze, heute abgesperrt war.  


  1. Amen :) Happy Michaelmas dear Eva. Your harvest loaf looks delicious. I think I may try to make one this week. We were in Austria on Michaelmas, but they weren't aware of the special day.
    It feels so nice to be home again. I love that feeling of returning from one's travels and appreciating how home feels the same yet different all at once; special because of having been away. I also try to hold on to that feeling each day but eventually I know it will all become thoroughly familiar once more.

    1. Yes, Amen! I love that prayer, but the German church never prays it anymore. The bread turned out well this year, light and fluffy. It is always tricky to get it right with gluten-free flour. I hope you will still get to make your loaf. Sorry to hear about that people were not aware of the day. It is a regular Catholic holiday, though, although it is now called "Feast of the Archangel," combining all three archangel in one day. The old church calendar, before Vatican II, had only St. Michael on this day. So Austrians should know about it!
      I also like coming home and re-discovering old beloved things. And yes, unfortunately, that feeling does go away soon.

  2. Wie hat Euch die Aufführung gefallen? Die Bilder sehen jedenfalls sehr schön aus. Bei uns ist Michaeli dieses Jahr leider ein wenig untergegangen

    1. Es war sehr nett, nur leider ziemlich kurz! Aber es war schön, daß man wieder in die Schule durfte. Wegen Corona war das ja nicht möglich.

    2. Ja endlich geht das Leben wieder normal weiter!


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