Sunday, November 14, 2021

Snow Tonight/Schnee heute abend

The snow is sticking to the ground!  Peter made it back home.  Jonathan had a radio interview on the Georgetown student-run radio station WGTB today.  It was about the war in Syria.  We all listened to it (well, except Flora, who did not understood what he was taking about and left to pray a Rosary instead).  He did a very good job, had a pleasant voice, talked coherently and well-balanced, and added stories of  real people to make his point.  When I think about how he said his first words as a toddler (German words he invented for truck, duck, and vacuum cleaner) and his polished way of talking now, I have to chuckle.  Charlotte is busy dancing in Swan Lake right now.   

Der Schnee scheint liegen zu bleiben.  Peter ist wieder zu Hause.  Jonathan hatte heute ein Radiointerview des Radiosenders WGTB von der Georgetown Universität über den Krieg in Syrien.  Wir haben alle zugehört (Flora ist jedoch nach einer kurzen Zeit weggegangen, weil sie das noch nicht verstehen konnte, und hat dann einen Rosenkranz gebetet).  Er hat seine Sache sehr gut gemacht, seine Stimme ist angenehm, er hat zusammenhängend und ausgewogen gesprochen und seine Meinung mit kurzen Beispielen von menschlichen Schicksalen in Syrien untermauert.  Wenn ich daran zurückdenke, wie er als Kleinkind seine ersten Worte gesagt hat (deutsche erfundene Worte für "Ente", "Laster" und "Staubsauger") und wie er sich jetzt ausdrücken kann, komme ich ins Schmunzeln.  Das Reden war ihm schon immer wichtig und er kann es gut.  Charlotte steckt mitten in den Schwanensee Vorführungen.    


  1. That's wonderful to hear about Jonathan's radio interview, and also to hear that Charlotte is busy dancing in Swan Lake. Such good work they are doing. And winter has certainly arrived for you. I'm glad you were all cozy around the radio, and Flora with her Rosary, and you didn't have to be out in it.

    1. I have to admit that I was proud of him. I sometimes call him my "Schwätzer," which kind of means my "chatterbox." But he is able to speak very well and thoughtfully. It snowed a lot today, but also melted again. I don't know how we will get rid of those last leaves. It is so wet now! I was very surprised that Flora just prayed a Rosary on her own.

    2. You’ve done a brill job with your kids and have truly lived out God’s calling on your life - for a youngster to go off and pray a rosary unprompted that signifies real faith ❤️❤️

    3. Thanks so much, San! I was very surprised, but she told me that she often does that :).

  2. Is there a way to listen to the interview on the school's website? The children are growing strong and independent in many ways. It never ceases to amaze me. xoxo

    1. I asked Jonathan and he told me it should be available later. I will let you know. Yes, it is fascinating to see what kind of people they are becoming. You never know when you hold those tiny infants.


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