Tuesday, November 23, 2021

Good Morning/Guten Morgen

This morning, the snow plow came by for the first time this season.
Heute morgen ist zum ersten Mal der Schneepflug in diesem Herbst gekommen.

Peter picked up Charlotte yesterday and Jonathan is coming back home today.  Yesterday, Jonathan sent this picture from his subway.  His train was built by Alstom, a company that is from France and also builds the TGV and Eurostar.  One of their factories is in Western New York, in Hornell, as you can see on that sign.    

Peter hat  gestern Charlotte abgeholt und heute kommt Jonathan.  Gestern hat mir Jonathan dieses Foto aus der U-Bahn geschickt.  Die U-Bahn ist von der Firma Alstom hergestellt, der französischen Firma, die auch den TGV und Eurostar herstellt.  Alstom hat eine Fabrik in Hornell, hier in Westen von New York, was schon erstaunlich ist und auf dem Schild steht.

I will take the girls on an outing today and on the way back, Miriam will get her booster for Covid.

Heute mache ich mit den Mädchen einen Ausflug und auf dem Rückweg bekommt Miriam ihre Corona Auffrischimpfung.


  1. That's very interesting about the train company Alston.

    So much snow already! It's very pretty. It'll be nice to have everyone home xoxo

    1. Yes, who would have thought that! We are all together and are enjoying it quite a bit.

  2. What a beautiful image of the sun hovering above the horizon casting its glow on the snowy ground. Hope you have a lovely day out and about ❤️

    1. It was great and the girls were happy. We have not done something like this for a long time.


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