Thursday, April 1, 2021

Holy Thursday/Gründonnerstag

We woke up to some snow and it was quite cold. 
Heute morgen war alles wieder ganz weiß und ziemlich kalt.  

Our Lenten task for today!
Unsere Fastenzeitaufgabe für heute: Umarme jemanden!

Here you see Flora with Cooper.  The snow had partly melted when she took him for his morning walk.
Hier sind Flora und Cooper.  Der Schnee war teilweise geschmolzen, als die beiden ihren Morgenspaziergang gemacht haben.  

Veronika and Miriam baked Hot Cross Buns for tomorrow.  Our icing was a tad too liquid and so our crosses are very wobbly.
Veronika und Miriam haben Karfreitagsbrötchen gebacken.  Unser Guß war ein wenig zu flüssig und daher sind die Kreuze alle ein wenig wackelig geworden.  

I had to teach my German tutorial in the afternoon on campus, but still managed to make our traditional green soup with poached eggs  for Holy Thursday for supper.  We had to eat an earlier supper in order to make it to church at 7:00 p.m.  

Ich mußte am Nachmittag Deutsch unterrichten, aber habe es danach noch geschafft, unsere grüne Gründonnerstagssuppe zu kochen (mit pochiertem Ei).  Wir mußten ein wenig früher essen, weil Kirche um 19.00 Uhr war.  

On the way to church, it snowed again.
Auf der Fahrt zur Kirche hat es wieder geschneit.  

Altar of Reposition

This was a big sign when placed at the entrance of the church.
Dieses Schild hing beim Kircheneingang: "Jesus wäscht uns von Sünde rein, aber wir müssen uns immer noch die Hände waschen."

Tomorrow, Peter and I will get our second Moderna vaccine.  We will have to drive about 40 minutes to get to the vaccination site.  Afterwards, we will go and so some grocery shopping for Easter while the girls will prepare dinner.  In the afternoon, we will all go to church.  

Morgen bekommen Peter und ich unsere zweite Moderna Impfung.  Wir müssen dafür 40 Minuten weit fahren.  Anschließend gehen wir noch ein paar Lebensmittel für Ostern einkaufen, während die Mädchen zu Hause Mittagessen kochen.  Nachmittags geht es dann in die Kirche.  


  1. It's nice seeing Flora walk sweet Cooper. She's very good with him, and vice versa :) Your soup looks good . . and I think you've been having a lot of snow! I looked over some Easter posts from years past and saw in 2018 that we had a big snowfall the Monday after.

    1. She loves Cooper and he loves her! This coming week she does not have to walk him because the owners are on spring break (they are both teachers). However, she is walking another dog, some kind of poodle, from the lady across the street. She is on vacation.

    2. Yes, it has been a very snowy late winter and early spring. I should look up 2018, I don't remember what it was like.


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