Friday, April 9, 2021

Friday Work/Freitagsarbeit

This little sparrow came and visited.  Dieser Spatz ist zu Besuch gekommen.  

Happy Octave of Easter: Our forsythia is really blooming now.  We have switched from the daily Angelus at noon to the Regina Coeli.  
Die Osteroktav: Die Forsythien blühen wirklich sehr schön.  Wir beten jetzt nicht mehr das Angelus mittags, sondern das Regina caeli.  

Here is some work Veronika did for her main lesson on physiology.
Hier sieht man Arbeit, die Veronika für ihre Hauptepoche in Physiologie gemacht hat.  

Flora is practicing Spencerian penmanship.
Flora übt Spencer-Schrift.

Here she is practicing studied dictation.
Hier übt sie für ein Übungsdiktat.  

SpellingYouSee is one of our new discoveries for her and it is helping her a lot.  Spelling is very hard for Flora and I am using a lot of resources to help her.  This one is one that is readily available and has made a big difference.  Check it out here.  

Here, Flora is working on her map of Ancient Egypt.  We also started The Golden Goblet, a book all children have loved and read.
Hier arbeitet Flora an einer Landkarte des alten Ägypten.  Wir haben auch mit dem wunderschönen Buch Der Goldene Kelch angefangen, ein Buch das alle fünf Kinder gelesen haben und das auch ins Deutsche übersetzt worden ist.  

Grammar practice for Flora
Flora übt Grammatik.  

Miriam is doing some math during her main lesson time, but also studying the constitution with this set here.  It is a bit dry and not quite our style, but has a workbook and tests, which is a plus.  I got it almost for free many years ago and we might as well use it.  
Miriam macht immer noch Mathe während ihrer Hauptepochenzeit, aber auch weiterhin die amerikanische Verfassung.    

Veronika and Flora baked cookies in the afternoon.  Our neighbor came over for a short chat; she is back from her vacation and was happy that we got along with her dog Hadley.  

Veronika und Flora haben am Nachmittag Kekse gebacken.  Unsere Nachbarin ist kurz vorbeigekommnen, weil sie aus dem Urlaub heimgekehrt ist.  Sie war froh, daß wir gut mit Hadley, ihrem Hund, klargekommen sind.  

Then Flora made a little Egyptian hippo.  We bought the replica on the right in Vienna
Flora hat ein kleines ägyptisches Nilpferd gemacht.  So ein Nilpferd haben wir im KHM in Wien gekauft.  

Peter took Miriam to a ballet class and also went grocery shopping  He came back with three presents for me: A pretty tray, chocolate, and pretty flowers to hang outside.  

Peter war mit Miriam beim Ballet und hat auch Lebensmittel eingekauft.  Er kam mit drei Geschenken für mich zurück: einem hübschen Tablett, Schokolade und schönen Blumen für draußen.  

After a week of annoying side effects from my second Covid vaccine, I am finally feeling fine again.  Jonathan will get his second vaccine soon (he felt quite bad after his first one).  Charlotte can get her first one at Mercyhurst: They will offer it to all students on campus next week, which is much better than what many other colleges are doing.  We are also looking into finding an appointment for Miriam, but so far the ones being offered around here will not work for us.    

Nach einer Woche von unschönen Nebenwirkungen meiner zweiten Coronavirus-impfung fühle ich mich endlich besser.  Jonathan bekommt bald seine zweite (er hatte schon starke Nebenwirkungen nach der ersten).  Charlottes Uni bietet allen Studenten nächste Woche auf dem Campus eine Impfung an, aber sie muß sich noch einen Termin besorgen.  Für Miriam müssen wir noch einen Termin hier im Landkreis machen, doch waren die möglichen Daten für sie bisher nicht brauchbar.    


  1. I'm glad you're feeling better. Your gifts from Peter are lovely! That was thoughtful of him, and a nice surprise. It's fun to see the work the girls are doing. It's all very good. (I always find map drawings fascinating and beautiful.) The sparrow is very sweet.

    Good luck finding a place for Miriam to get her vaccine and I hope Jonathan doesn't feel too badly after his second dose.

    (Morgana always struggled with spelling too.)

    1. Yes, I never thought I would react so strongly. It was nice surprise from Peter! Flora has a hard time with maps, somehow they don't make much sense to her, but she is trying.

      Our county will not do new vaccinations for two weeks! So we looked at what Wegmans has to offer. We got an appointment for next Tuesday! It is not our county and we have to drive for an hour, but it is doable. I really hope Jonathan will do fine. It would not be fun to feel bad for a week while you are trying to finish up the semester. Charlotte is feeling fine after her first dose. I remember that you mentioned that about Morgana :).


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