Monday, April 19, 2021


This seems to be THE year for forsythia.  There is so much of it in bloom these days as we found out on our Sunday walk yesterday.

Dieses Jahr scheint DAS Forsythienjahr zu sein.  Überall blühen die Büsche, wie wir gestern auf unserem Sonntagsspaziergang festgestellt haben.  

This is one of my favorite spring sights: Skunk cabbage.  (This is not a joke, I just think that the green color of the leaves is so deep and rich and the whole plant is very fascinating when you start reading about it.)
Über dieses Frühjahrsgewächs freue ich mich jedes Jahr: Stinkkohl.  (Das ist kein Witz, ich mag das satte Grün der Blätter und die Pflanze überhaupt, weil sie botanisch sehr faszinierend ist.).  

Today was a pleasant day.  Tomorrow night, it is supposed to snow!  We will have a full day ahead of us: library, home ecology class, drive to Wegmans for lunch and Miriam's Covid vaccine, and ballet.  

Heute war ein angenehmer Tag, aber morgen abend soll es schneien.  Morgen haben wir viel vor: Bücherei, Naturkundeklasse, Mittagessen im Supermarkt mit anschließender Corona-Impfung für Miriam und Ballett.  


  1. The forsythia is beautiful! Is this Hadley or Cooper that Flora is walking? These are lovely photos, Eva. My phone tells me that it's raining by you right now, and that it's supposed to go down to freezing by 5 am. Poor magnolia . . You'll have to let us know how it fares.

    1. Yes, they are so amazing this year. This is Hadley, the dog she does not walk regularly. Cooper is the bigger one, the one she has to walk every day during the school year. Yes, it has gotten cold and we are supposed to get snow tomorrow. That will mean death to the poor tree.


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