Friday, April 2, 2021

Good Friday/Karfreitag

We ate our hot cross buns for breakfast and then Peter and I drove to get our second vaccine.  The lines were much longer than for the first and we "met" many colleagues from our college who were there for their second vaccine as well.  The vaccination clinic was held in a former Kmart.  

Wir haben unsere Karfreitagsbrötchen zum Frühstück gegessen und dann sind Peter und ich zu unserem Impftermin gefahren.  Die Wartezeit war länger als beim ersten Mal und wir haben viele Kollegen von unserem College gesehen, die auch für ihre zweite Impfung da waren.  Geimpft wurde in einem ehemaligen Laden.  

The snow was gone when we drove back.
Der Schnee war auf unserer Rückfahrt geschmolzen.  

Can you see the big nest in the tree?
Im Baum ist ein großes Vogelnest.

At 3:00 p.m., we went to church.
Um 15.00 Uhr waren wir dann in der Kirche.  

The tabernacle will stay empty until Easter.
Der Tabernakel bleibt bis Ostern leer.  

After church, we visited the graveyard to see the grave of our former pastor.
Nach der Kirche haben wir das Grab unseres alten Pfarrers besucht.  

Here we are driving back.  There was an Amish carriage in front of us.
Hier sind wir auf dem Heimweg.  Eine Amischkutsche fuhr vor uns.  

At home, I made two different types of cookie dough (they will get baked tomorrow) and prepared our traditional Paskha from our Russian family recipe.  

Zu Hause habe ich zwei verschiedene Teigsorten gemacht, die ich morgen zu Ostergebäck verbacken will, und auch Pas'cha nach unsrem alten russischen Familienrezept angesetzt.  


  1. Such beautiful photos, Eva. Congrats on your second dose. Sending love to you on this Good Friday.

    1. Thank you so much. I am glad we are done with the second one, although I kind of expect that you will need boosters in the future.

  2. We watched the Good Friday service from our old parish online. I also took part in a life recorded Good Friday service via a community that I am linked with on Twitter. Dave’s mum arrived yesterday as well it is lovely to have another human in the house 🙂. You and Peter are lucky to have your second jab so quickly after the first, hope you are ok with no/minimal side effects xx

    1. That must have been so nice to celebrate with you old parish! We had more people than I thought we would get, but none from our parish. This is very exciting to have company for Easter! She must be happy to see you as well. We are glad we are done with number 2, although we both don't feel so great. We did not sleep well, had chills and I had a low fever. I also felt nauseous this morning and went back to bed after putting breakfast on the table. Right now we both have headaches and body aches, but I did manage to go to confession with the children and also do some baking. I hope that I will be feeling better tonight for the Easter vigil.

    2. Hello Eva, I hope you and Peter are soon feeling better. Sending a big hug, xoxo, Dorina

    3. Thanks soo much! So far, we are actually feeling worse. Peter has been asleep for over two hours now. I forced myself to get up to do some baking with all five children :)! I just pray that Peter will be able to play the organ tonight! An Easter Vigil without music would be very, very sad.


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