Tuesday, June 16, 2020

Nature Walk/Naturkundespaziergang

It was a perfect summer day today.  I had to pick up a book at our college library (curb-side pick-up) and so we combined the visit to the library with a nature walk, looking for blossoms.

Heute hatten wir einen wunderbaren Sommertag.  Ich mußte ein Buch in der Bibliothek abholen (man durfte natürlich nicht rein, sondern bekam das Buch nur ausgehändigt) und daher haben wir den Bibliotheksbesuch mit einem Naturkundespaziergang verbunden, wobei wir besonders nach Blüten Ausschau gehalten haben.  
 Our creek
Unser Bach

 Linden tee, which is not quite blooming yet.
Unsere Linde blüht noch nicht ganz.

 On campus
Beim College

 The girls decided to draw this flowering bush.
Die Mädchen haben diesen blühenden Busch gezeichnet.  

 We sat on the swings while drawing and this is the view "up."
Wir haben auf dem Schaukeln beim Zeichnen gesessen und das hier ist der Blick nach "oben".


 Studying the bush
Wir sehen uns den Strauch genauer an.

Flora's picture: She also drew a rhododendron blossom.
 Floras Bild: Sie hat auch eine Rhododendronblüte gemalt. 

 Drawing seems to cause fatigue.
Zeichnen scheint Müdigkeit zu verursachen.

And tonight, I made stuffed mushrooms.  Und zum Abendbrot gab es gefüllte Pilze.  


  1. Die Bänke laden aber auch wirklich zum Hinlegen ein. :-)

    1. Ja, jetzt darf man ja auch wieder diese Bänke benutzen. Bisher waren sie gesperrt. Sie sind ein Geschenk von Studenten an das College.

    2. Ehrlich? Haben die Studenten sie selbst gebaut?

    3. Nein, aber eine ehemaliger Psychologieprofessor! Er ist im Ruhestand.

  2. Flora's drawing is lovely :) and your stuffed mushrooms look very good. I've never stuffed mushrooms before. Did you use parsley, cheese and bread crumbs? Is the head a little less severe for you now? It's nice that your library is open again for curbside pick up . . I'm looking forward to when our's offers the same.

  3. Thanks so much, Dorina. I cut out the stems and sauteed them in olive oil with onions, garlic, and salt. I then added parsley, put them in a pie plate and sprinkled them with grated cheddar. I baked them for about 15 minutes and then put them briefly under the broiler. No breadcrumbs! Oh, and I sprinkled the caps with a bit of lemon juice.

    So far, only the college library is doing this. The public library will start with this service soon. You can return books to both libraries now. This is also new.

    1. ha ha, I meant that I hoped the heat was less severe for you. Anyway, it doesn't sound like it is!

      Thanks for the mushroom recipe. I look forward to trying it.

      I'm really looking forward to when we can check new books out of the library again . .

    2. I thought you must have meant "heat." Or maybe the heat causing headaches :). No, the weather was quite nice, but today and the coming days do not sound pleasant: fairly warm and a thunderstorm EVERY day for more than a week.

      Yes, I also miss the library. It is hard to plan for next school year without knowing if you can borrow books or not.


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