Monday, June 15, 2020

Church and Baseball/Kirche und Baseball

Jonathan, Peter, and Veronika leaving church
Jonathan, Peter und Veronika kommen aus der Kirche.

On Sunday, our church was open for the first time for Mass again.  However, only about 30 people were allowed to attend.  Flora and I stayed home, but the others went.  There was no singing, but Peter played the organ.  Flora and I celebrated Mass in St. Patrick's in New York City.    

Am Sonntag gab es in unserer Kirche zum ersten Mal wieder Messe.  Nur ca. 30 Gemeindemitglieder waren zugelassen und so sind Flora und ich zu Hause geblieben.  Wir haben die heilige Messe wieder in St. Patrick in New York gefeiert.  In unserer eigenen Kirche hat Peter die Orgel gespielt, aber es durfte nicht gesungen werden.  

Julius had a lazy Sunday.
Julius hatte einen faulen Sonntag.  

Charlotte had baked delicious scones and muffins for breakfast.
Charlotte hat leckere Frühstücksbrötchen gebacken.  

Squirrel stealing bird seed
Eichhörnchen stiehlt das Vogelfutter.

Charlotte also had baked this chocolate cake.
Charlotte hat uns auch diesen Schokoladenkuchen gebacken.

And then there was baseball.
Und dann wurde Baseball gespielt.


  1. Ach das ist aber schön dass ihr wieder zur Kirche gehen konntet. Es fehlen einem doch auch mit der Zeit die sozialen Kontakte. Leckere Brötchen und Kuchen!!

    1. Ja, es ist zwar nicht so feierlich, aber doch schön. Vielleicht gehen Flora und ich auch am Sonntag mit. Bisher haben sich nicht mehr also die erlaubte Zahl von Besuchern angemeldet.

  2. Hello Eva, it's nice that your church was able to open, and smart not to have singing, though maybe a little sad too. It's also nice that Peter plays the organ . . does he play regularly at home? I can't remember if you have a piano?

    The baseball looks fun, and Charlotte's treats look delicious. Is that the same squirrel who likes to lounge on your back porch railing? The photo of Julius is the sweetest I've seen of him :)

  3. I think singing is forbidden in all churches in New York right now. There is also no holy water, you have to have an usher, you need to wear masks, you have to use hand sanitizer, and communion can only be received in the hand. Every other pew is empty and only 25% of the church can be occupied. No, we don't have a piano, this house is too small for one.

    I think this must be a relative of the crazy squirrel. Yes, he is adorable in this picture, isn't he? He looks so much like himself.


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