Friday, September 6, 2019


Wishing everybody a wonderful weekend!
Schönes Wochenende an alle!

We survived the first week of college teaching.  We already have plans for the weekend (like playdate for Flora, picnic at a friend's house  -- she has plenty of animals --, church, cleaning, shopping, homeschool planning, etc.). 

Wir haben die erste Woche am College geschafft.  Nun stehen schon die Wochenendspläne an (Freundinnenbesuch für Flora, Picknick für alle bei einer anderen Freundin, die viele Tiere hat, Kirche, Putzen, Aufräumen, Einkaufen, Vorbereitung der nächsten Woche usw.).    


  1. Your weekends always sound lovely and well done for getting through the first week xx

    1. Thanks, San. Now we will see how this coming week goes with art classes, violin, ballet, and regular homeschooling thrown in. There might also be nature study class coming up. I guess I should check my calendar!

  2. Ah! Welcome to the school year! Julius and Veronika look very comfortable. It must be a good book.

    1. I don't remember what she was reading. I have to ask her. But Julius has developed a strong attachment to Veronika, now that Charlotte is gone. He used to sleep with her most of the time.


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