Friday, May 31, 2019

RIP: Requiescat in pace, Kai! 😢

We found Kai dead this morning.  He had not been feeling well and we had been in contact with our vet (we had an appointment for Monday), but nobody would have thought he would die overnight.  We are all devastated.

Heute morgen haben wir Kai tot aufgefunden.  Er hat sich in den letzten Tagen nicht gut gefühlt, und wir hatten einen Termin beim Tierarzt für Montag.  Niemand hätte gedacht, daß er einfach sterben würde.  Wir sind alle ganz, ganz traurig.  



  1. Oh no I am so sorry for you all, 😢 You must all be in a state of shock, homeopathic Ignatia is good for grief. Sending much love and prayers xx

    1. It came very sudden. We held a lovely funeral and today we planted a geranium on his grave. Poor Jonathan found him dead early in the morning in the litter box. He must have had a heart attack caused by his liver disease. I had planned to take him to a different vet that day (our vet was out of town), but it was too late. We don't have any Ignatia in the house and the next store where you can buy homeopathic remedies is an hour away. Sometimes it is not good to live in the middle of nowhere. We really miss Kai, even Julius looks a bit lost.

    2. Sending you big hugs for all of you including Julius xx

    3. Thanks, San. We are slowly recovering from the shock. There are still many things in the house that remind us of Kai. Julius seems to be back to his old self: He just killed a baby bunny and injured another one. Now we are keeping him inside for the night.

  2. Dear Eva, I first read about Kai on Jonathan's IG story. We're all so sorry. It's very sad. We send all of you so much love. It's hard losing a dear pet.

    1. Jonathan was the one who found him dead. It was a HUGE shock for him. We had noticed that he was getting worse daily, but since he was still drinking and going outside, we thought he was not close to death. He had stopped eating and that was the main reason that I thought we should try to get him to a vet about 45 minutes away from us. Our own vet lives 20 minutes away, but she was out of town. All the other vets around here are far away or don't see emergencies. He probably would have not made it to the vet at this point, but it would have made us happier to know that we had done all we could have done.

  3. Oh nein wie traurig!! Das tut mir sehr sehr leid, besonders für die Kinder. Das ist hart, ein geliebtes Tier zu verlieren.

    1. Wir haben immer gedacht, daß Julius zuerst stirbt, er ist schon 13 Jahre alt. Kai war erst ein paar Jahre alt, doch hatte er eine eigenartige Leberkrankheit, die noch nicht ganz diagnostiziert war. Aber daß er einfach so tot umfällt, war doch ein großer Schock.

    2. Das kann ich mir vorstellen, das ist wirklich ein Schock! Damit rechnet man ja überhaupt nicht. Es tut mir wirklich leid für Euch, ich hoffe den Kindern geht es einigermaßen.

    3. Flora hatte heute wieder einen traurigen Tag, als sie an Kai gedacht hat, weil sie ein Foto von ihm gesehen hat. Ich glaube, die Kinder haben immer noch eine große Trauer im Herzen.

    4. Das kann ich gut verstehen. Bei unseren Kindern hat es Monate gedauert, bis sie nicht mehr so stark getrauert haben wegen Aaron. Sie haben ja auch mit Kai zusammen gelebt und diese Erfahrung des Todes ist ja wirklich keine Lebenswirklichkeit, die die Kinder zu oft haben. Es klingt doof aber die Zeit wird helfen.

    5. Ja, die Zeit heilt viele Wunden, das stimmt schon, besonders, wenn man jung ist. Für die Kinder war das der erste unmittelbare Tod, wenn man von den toten Vögeln, Mäusen und Häschen absieht, die die Katzen verursacht haben. Kai war für sie mehr als nur eine Katze, eher fast ein Bruder.

  4. Replies
    1. Ja, er hatte ein Leberleiden, das von einem zum anderen Tag so schlimm geworden ist, daß er einen Herzinfarkt hatte und gestorben ist. Er war nur einige Jahre alt . . .

  5. You know, though, Eva, there was probably not much the vet could do. Either they would have wanted to do a bunch of tests, or they might have wanted to euthanize. It's really much better he died in his loving home (though the kitty litter box was probably not the nicest!) I think you did a lot for him and he had a happy time with you. xoxo

    1. That is what I keep telling myself, but there is still a small voice, what if we had managed to get him to a different vet earlier? We did take him in and gave him a new family. I think it is right that a vet might have ordered expensive tests which we could have not afforded and putting an animal to sleep must also be very hard (I have to think of your cats and dog here). He was so young, though! You kind of expect Julius to die, but not this young one.


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