Wednesday, September 12, 2018


I bought a new watch battery in Geneseo and we found a store that has German toys.  Among those was a childhood memory of mine: Pustefix!  The bottle has hardly changed and the soap bubbles are still as long-lasting as they used to be.

Ich habe eine neue Uhrenbatterie in Geneseo gekauft und dort einen Laden gefunden, der deutsches Spielzeug verkauft, worunter sich Pustefix befand!  Die Flasche hat sich seit meiner Kindheit kaum verändert und die Seifenblasen sind immer noch sehr langlebig.  

And when you have to drive almost an hour just to find a store that sells a watch battery, you might also stop at a coffeehouse. 

Und wenn man fast eine Stunde fahren muß, nur um eine Uhrenbatterie zu finden, sollte man auch woanders anhalten, z. B. in einem Café.  

Geneseo is quite pretty.  Geneseo ist recht hübsch.  

Look at these rocks!
Bitte die Steine betrachten!


 Driving back


  1. I remember getting the same brand of bubbles for the girls when they were little. They did last for a long time, and made wonderfully sturdy bubbles!

    1. What a coincidence! I have also made my own bubble liquid, but there must be some trick to finding the right ingredients because my home-made solution never worked as well as the store-bought kind.


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