Friday, September 28, 2018


Miriam and I are reading the Nibelungenlied.  Today we watched the first part of an interesting documentary.

Miriam und ich lesen das Nibelungenlied.  Heute haben wir den ersten Teil einer interessanten Dokumentation gesehen.

While Flora had her violin lesson, I walked from the library to the post office to mail a letter.  First, I had a nice chat with the librarian, who goes to our church, and then I had a nice chat with the two ladies at the post office.  One of them is the wife of our former school superintendent and she always had to mail my correspondence with the school office to him.  Now there is a new superintendent (the third one, to be exact), but she still remembers the times when our mail went to her husband. 

Während Flora ihre Geigenstunde hatte, bin ich von der Bücherei zur Post gegangen, um einen Brief aufzugeben.  Erst habe ich mich nett mit der Bibliothekarin unterhalten, die in unsere Kirche geht, und dann mit den beiden Damen bei der Post.  Eine davon ist mit dem früheren Rektor der Schule verheiratet und hat früher immer meine Korrespondenz mit der Schulbehörde entgegengenommen, was sehr lustig war, weil sie sie ja an ihren Mann schicken mußte.  Inzwischen gibt es schon den dritten Nachfolger ihres Mannes, aber sie erinnert sich noch gerne an die Zeit, als Jonathan noch in der ersten Klasse war!      

 This is in the waiting area of Flora's teacher.  She has very unique things in this room!  Flora got the next bigger violin size today.
Diese Fotos stammen aus dem Wartezimmer bei Floras Geigenlehrerin.  Es gibt dort viele originelle Sachen zu sehen.  Flora hat heute eine Geigennummer größer bekommen.

And tonight, three girls did handwork (Veronika had done some wood carving already earlier today).
Und heute abend haben drei Mädchen Handarbeiten gemacht (Veronika hatte schon am frühen Abend geschnitzt).  

 Miriam is trying to figure out the names of the different basket making pieces.  Somehow the description of the pieces don't match the pieces themselves.  
Miriam hat versucht, die Teile für einen Korb zu verstehen.  Irgendwie stimmt die Beschreibung nicht mit den Teilen überein.  

And Kai seems to be joining Flora in her crochet project.
Und Kai scheint Flora beim Häkeln zu helfen.  

Jonathan sent me two pictures yesterday, taken on the way to ballet.  His foot is slowly healing and he has danced with it again, but not as much as he would like.  But he wrote the best biology exam and intermediate French exam in his classes, so maybe the break in his dance lessons is showing good results somewhere else.  I suggested to him, he should try to do his biology in French as a new challenge 😉!

Jonathan hat mir gestern zwei Fotos von seiner Fahrt zum Ballett geschickt.  Sein Fuß heilt gut und er konnte schon wieder zweimal tanzen, jedoch ist das nicht so oft, wie er das gerne hätte.  Aber die Tanzpause hat vielleicht dazu beigetragen, daß er die beste Biologieklausur in seinem Seminar und die beste Französisichklausur in seinem anderen Seminar geschrieben hat.  Ich habe ihm vorgeschlagen, er solle doch jetzt mal Biologie auf Französisch ausprobieren 😉!


  1. Glad to read that J's foot is healing and well done to him for such good grades. The evening handwork sessions looks to be quite cosy :-)

    1. We are also happy that his foot has not been injured more. He sent me the video part where it happened (he did not post that part on Instagram) and it looked rally bad! It is hard to find time together for handwork these days, so this was perfect! I did some mending.

  2. The sky is so beautiful in that last photo taken on the road. It can be difficult to wait for a foot to heal. It's good that he can pour his energy into his schoolwork. Congrats to him on his good grades :)

    Kai is very sweet, and how does Flora like her larger violin?

    1. Yes, the stretch between Latrobe and Greensburg is very rural and beautiful at some stretches. I always try to imagine what it must have looked like when the first monks came there from Bavaria.

      I think Jonathan is an impatient person with these things. His foot is still not quite right. I will let him know that you congratulated him. He is very ambitious and hopes to be the first in his graduating class. I tell him to be among the top ten would be also good. Maybe this is a boy/young man thing, I never was like that.

      Flora has not used her larger violin much because she has been sick with a cold and now the flu. We had to cancel her lesson this week. She liked it when she played at her teacher's house, though. It has a real chin support and not a soft one anymore.

      Kai looks so cute, but he is becoming more like a real cat, leaving dead mice around the house. When he came to us, he did not know how to hunt and looked very scared when he saw a chipmunk!


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