Monday, September 24, 2018

Local History and Geography/Heimatkunde

Flora and I learned more about the history of the Seneca Indians and the Genesee River in our area today.  In the afternoon we went driving around to take a look at some relevant places. 

Flora und ich haben heute etwas über die Geschichte der Seneca Indianer und den Genesee Fluß gelernt.  Nachmittags sind wir dann durch die Gegend gefahren und haben einige interessante Orte dazu besichtigt.

 Grave of the Seneca Indian Copperhead
Grab des Seneca Indianers Kupferkopf

Beautiful Genesee
Schöner Genesee 

Site of a former Seneca village
Hier stand mal eine Seneca Indianerstadt


  1. Beautiful photos. It's always interesting to learn about the native inhabitants, and Flora's doll is a nice companion :)

    1. Yes, I just finished the Moses van Campen book. He must have been a fascinating man and life in this area was incredibly dangerous and hard. There has been so much bloodshed and violence here! Being a settler in this area was not a smart or safe thing to be. It is interesting to put all the pieces together you keep reading about: Senecas, Iroquois, the Sullivan campaign, Fort Niagara, the British and French, etc.

      Flora had to take Lavender on the trip so her daughter could learn too :).


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