Wednesday, August 8, 2018

Amish and Seneca Country/Amisch- und Senecaindianerland

We have been driving first through Amish country today, seeing many new wheat stacks (well, maybe they are oat stacks), but they are not hay stacks.

Heute haben wir beim Durchfahren eines Amischgebietes viele neue Getreidegarben gesehen.  

Then we drove through Seneca country.  They just opened their brand new museum.  Hopefully we can visit soon.  We know the old museum, but the new one looks very interesting.

Dann ging es weiter durch Senecagebiet.  Es gibt dort ein neues Museum, was wir hoffentlich bald besuchen können.  Wir kennen schon das alte Museum, doch das neue sieht sehr interessant aus.   

 Note the bilingual signs!
Zweisprachige Straßenschilder!

 Seneca decorations on bridges
Seneca Dekorationen an der Brücke

 Allegheny River
Allegheny Fluß

Lake Chautauqua
Chautauqua See

Lunch at the grocery store Wegmans in Erie, PA
 Mittagessen in Erie, Pennsylvania, bei der Lebensmittelkette Wegmans

Lake Erie


  1. That's very exciting news about the Seneca Museum, and I love seeing the bilingual signs. (I also remember the snow snake video from the 2015 post. I thought it looked fun to do.)

    Wegman's is nice to eat at, though I've never been. I only know from your stories about it. I'm impressed with their outdoor eating area.

    The girls and the sunflowers are beautiful!

    1. I think it is wonderful that they got to build a new space. The old one was outdated.

      Wegmans is often the number 1 grocery store in the country. Here is a report about it. It ties first place with a chain I do not know. It is just a really good supermarket and spreads all the way to PA.

      I thought the girls looked really sweet under the huge sunflowers!

  2. Publix is in Florida. Wegman's sounds nicer to me because they have a good cafe. I like Trader Joe's because they have great customer service and always have free coffee (and good prices on many of their products).

    1. I see, I have never been to Florida! Did you know that Trader Joe's belongs to Aldi?? We do not have a Trader Joe's around here.

    2. Wegmans also has free samples, including tea and coffee, at least the larger stores do.


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