Sunday, August 5, 2018

Cooling Off/Abkühling

It is hot here, so after church, we went to the local lake.  Jonathan is back, he left PA around 7:00 a.m. this morning and made it in time for church at 11:30 a.m.  He was scheduled as lector today.

Es ist hier heiß und daher sind wir nach der Kirche zum See gefahren.  Jonathan ist auch wieder da.  Er ist heute morgen schon um 7.00 Uhr von Pennsylvania losgefahren und war dann rechtzeitig zur Kirche um 11.30 Uhr wieder da.  Er war auch zum Lesungen Lesen eingeteilt und mußte daher zurück sein.  

 Jumping is fun!
Springen macht Spaß!

 And lying in the water/sand can also be entertaining.
Und im Wasser/Sand zu liegen, kann auch unterhaltsam sein.

My current reading choice: It is a wonderful book about local history.  
Was ich im Moment lese: Ein wunderbares Buch zur Lokalgeschichte.  

 Stopping at this bridge on our way back
Wir halten an dieser alten Brücke auf unserem Rückweg an.  

 First hibiscus flower of the year in our yard.
Erste Hibiskusblüte in unserem Garten in diesem Jahr.

 Kai loves shoes and the sun.
Kai mag Schuhe und die Sonne.

Black-eyed Susan from our yard
Rauer Sonnenhut aus unserem Garten


  1. I love your photos of the day (Kai is sweet!). It's so nice to get to the beach. Your book looks very interesting. Did you find it at a used book sale, or in the library? Black-eyed Susan flowers are my sister's favorite, and our hibiscus have been blooming for a few weeks. I'm glad my neighbor planted them, for I love seeing them on my way to the laundry room. Is that one of our old suits Miriam is wearing?

    1. Kai is a funny cat! Yes, it is nice to have the beach close by. It is just a tiny beach, but free and there is a bathroom and a place where you can change your clothes. All quite primitive, but perfect for hot days.

      I did not know that your sister loves these so much. They grow in our yard in the back. The hibiscus is quite amazing. It has gotten so big and it always blooms so late, but when it starts, it never seems to stop. So nice you also have a hibiscus close by.

      Yes, that is one of your swimsuits! Flora is wearing one my sister gave us and only Veronika has one we bought for Charlotte many years ago.

      I found this book in the library and it is wonderful to read when you know the places this book is talking about. Moses van Campen was very important in this area. The book makes sense of the Sullivan-Clinton campaign and the destruction of most of the Seneca villages around here. I happened to see it at our library. It is a reprint of an old edition from 1893.

  2. Wow! Amazing book and an exciting find! I love coming across books like that :) (Love all the hand-me-down suits!)

    1. How I wish we could have gone today! But the beach closes after Labor Day and with the workers in our house and Peter on campus most of the time, that is not possible. I am almost done with the book. I try to read about a chapter a day, although some days I do not have the time.


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