Tuesday, August 14, 2018


We are on the road again, driving from Indiana to Michigan to Ontario.
Wir fahren wieder weiter, jetzt geht es von Indiana über Michigan nach Ontario. 

 Quick lunch at the "Juicy Kitchen."
Schnelles Mittagessen

 Visiting Great-Grandpa
Besuch beim Urgroßvater


 We went over the same bridge in 2013.  You can see the pictures from back then here.
Wir sind über diese Brücke schon 2013 gefahren.  Die Fotos von damals sind hier.  

 We must have driven farther than we thought.
Da sind wir doch schon weiter gefahren, als wir gedacht haben: Wir sind schon in London!

 Great-Grandpa treated us to dinner.
Der Uropa hat uns zum Essen eingeladen.



  1. I admired Charlotte's foodie posts on her Instagram. It's nice to see where you were eating as I was wondering (the food looked very good!). The dolls Miriam and Flora have are cute and remind me of the dolls my parents used to buy the girls when they were younger. They always loved playing with them and were nice mementos. Your travels are fun! It's great to see a bit of Canada and Lake Erie is beautiful (I looked at the older post also!).

    1. This restaurant is authentic Italian and happens to be in the same building as the Best Western. They also served us breakfast there. Those dolls are from the doll collection Peter's grandmother used to have (she passed away a few years ago). Peter's grandfather let the girls choose a few dolls to take home. I have similar dolls from my grandmother :).

      I will try to put up the last traveling pictures soon. We got home late last night, after driving around Lake Ontario! We stayed with my friend in Kingston, ON, for two nights and explored Fort Henry. I wish we had had more time in Kingston, but Peter had to be back today and Jonathan and Charlotte are also working on campus again today.

      But now I have to get organized and need to unpack, do laundry, etc. We also have to pick up our cats and the mail. Our grass outside is so long that our house looks almost uninhabited. We really have to do a lot of yard work!

  2. It's nice that the dolls are a hand me down! Where did the cats stay? It's fun to travel, but always nice to come home, even though the new year's routine will now begin. Good luck with your paperwork and with getting Jonathan off to college again.

    1. There are two ladies (mother/daughter) around here that take in cats for people who travel. They have almost 100 cats! Julius and Kai both slept on the bed of one of the ladies :). Thanks for the good luck. I am done with making last changes to Flora's IHIP. I am typing a weekly plan for her books right now (just for the first 12 weeks). Then I will think about her main lessons and move on to Veronika. If I have time, I will plan out more weeks, but I doubt that I will be able to do that. It is sad to see Jonathan leave again. I will miss him.

  3. Hello Eva, I think it's interesting that the cats stayed with these ladies, as your cats are outdoor cats and I didn't think they would allow themselves to stay anywhere but in your home. Did they stay only indoors while rooming there?

    1. Well, our cats have become true neighborhood cats. They are petted and fed by quite a few people. I guess they don't mind sleeping with other people as long as they have cozy beds :).

    2. P.S. I was more surprised that they slept together with this one lady, they hardly do this here. They still fight with each other.

  4. P.S. It's not easy when they go away to college!


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