Miriam is here and requested to go to Sunday Mass at St. Etheldreda's. Her confirmation saint and name is Etheldreda.
Miriam ist hier und wollte gerne zu St. Etheldreda zur Sonntagsmesse gehen. Ihr Firmname ist St. Etheldreda.
In front of St. Etheldredra's shrine
Vor dem Schrein von St. Etheldreda
The little box under the statue contains St. Etheldreda's hand.
Der kleine Schrein unter der Heiligenfigur enthält die Hand von St. Etheldreda.
And after lunch we walked to the Ragged School Museum.
Und nach dem Mittagessen sind wir zum dem Ragged School Museum gegangen. Dort wird gezeigt, wie sich Waisenhäuser und Heime für Kinder in London entwickelt haben.
We met Morgana at the museum and enjoyed the exhibition together.
Wir haben Morgana beim Museum getroffen und die Ausstellung zusammen angeschaut.
A game of Yahtzee after supper
Ein Kniffelspiel nach dem Abendbrot
How nice to have a visit with Miriam, and I was going to say - you're not far from Morgana. How nice that all worked out for meeting. Did you like the museum?
ReplyDeleteYes, we met at the museum, looked at the exhibition, and had tea and coffee at her place. The museum is quite interesting. You learn a lot about evangelical Christians who really tried to help the poor and suffering, especially children. Many of those children ended up in Ontario! Charles Dickens was also involved with this movement. So it is quite interesting, but you need to have enough time to read all the displays. They don't have many physical items at the museum, except the classroom they set up.