For her last full day in London, Miriam wanted to take a walk along the Thames and that is what we did.
Am letzten Tag ihres Besuches hier in London wollte Miriam an der Themse entlanggehen, und das haben wir dann auch gemacht.
Tower Bridge
HMS Belfast
Tower Bridge
Miriam visited this sight last, when she was one year old. ("The Navigators," a moving bronze sculpture of a ship by David Kemp)
Hier ist Miriam zuletzt gewesen, als sie ein Jahr alt war.
Southwark Cathedral
Kathedrale von Southwark
Memorial to Shakespeare, who went to church here.
Denkmal von Shakespeare, der hier zur Kirche gegangen ist.
We took these pictures for Jonathan. John Harvard, whose name was given to Harvard University was born in Southwark.
Diese Fotos haben wir für Jonathan gemacht. John Harvard, nach dem Harvard Universität benannt wurde, ist in Southwark geboren worden.
Borough Market
Borough Markt
Sea urchins anybody?
Möchte jemand Seeigel?
The location of the original Globe.
Hier stand früher Shakespeare's Globe Theater.
Millennium Bridge (Brücke)
Egyptian goose
St. Paul's
For our Lenten Stations of the Cross we went to Corpus Christi.
Zur Kreuzwegandacht waren wir dann bei der Corpus Christi Kirche.
We also stayed for the Akathist Hymn in Greek.
Wir sind auch zum Akathistos Hymnus (auf Griechisch) geblieben.
Walking back through Covent Garden
Rückweg durch Covent Garden
Such a lovely walk. It was beautiful hearing the Akathist Hymn. You visited several of my favorite places, and I have the same photo of Shakespeare lounging in stone. The Egyptian Goose photo is amazing I think! Are they found in many of London's parks and along the Thames?
ReplyDeleteI think Miriam really enjoyed it. Miriam knows this hymn in English from ITI. They have a Byzantine priest there. Ha, funny we have the same pictures! Thanks for the compliment about the Egyptian goose. I have never noticed so many Egyptian geese before. I think their numbers have increased. I see them everywhere, along the Thames and in parks.
DeleteIt's nice when you know the hymn and can sing or hum along. The geese are cute and nice to have more of around town.
ReplyDeleteOh, this is more a very long prayer that is sung. You cannot really hum along. It takes up to an hour! Yes, almost like Jonathan's turkeys :).
DeleteAn hour! :) (Jonathan posted his turkeys trying to board the bus the other day. They are so amusing.)
DeleteYes, it is like a Catholic litany. Jonathan told us some more about them: They actually chased the bus driver into the bus and tried to follow him. Jonathan only managed to document the part when they tried to enter the bus. It looked like they were telling him to start driving and taking them along.
DeleteThat is such a funny story . . and I find their behavior so curious!