Wednesday, March 20, 2024

Quark and Concert/Quark und Konzert

A beautiful snowy morning
Ein schöner Schneemorgen

My quark shipment arrived!  Now I can make our traditional Easter dish.
Meine Quarksendung ist angekommen.  Ohne Quark kann ich keine Pascha machen und man kann Quark hier nur bestellen.

My friend Sybille sent me this angel for my birthday.
Meine Freundin Sybille hat mir diesen Engel zum Geburtstag geschickt.

There was no art today because the art teacher is ill.  Flora tried out a timed standardized test and did well!  She had never done a timed test and we wanted to try it once before she has to take her end of the year test.  Now she can choose if she wants to do the PASS test one more time or do a timed CAT test.  

Heute gab es keinen Kunstunterricht, weil die Lehrerin krank war.  Flora hat heute zum ersten Mal einen standardisierten Test auf Zeit gemacht.  Wir wollten diese Möglichkeit einmal ausprobieren, bevor wir der Schulbehörde mitteilen, welchen Test sie dieses Jahr macht.  Sie hat ihre Sache ganz toll gemacht und wir wissen jetzt, daß sie auch so einen Test machen kann.  Jetzt kann sie sich entscheiden, ob sie den PASS Test (nicht auf Zeit) noch einmal macht oder den neuen CAT (auf Zeit) Test.  Ab nächstem Schuljahr kann sie den PASS Test nicht mehr machen, weil er nur bis zur 8. Klasse geht.  Mit dem nächsten Quartalzeugnis muß ich der Schulbehörde mitteilen, welche Tests die Mädchen machen wollen.  Veronika wird den CAT Test von Seton machen, eine andere Fassung des Tests, den Flora heute gemacht hat, aber der auch auf Zeit ist.

I taught my German students and then all of us went to church for soup, stations of the cross, and Mass.  Back home, Veronika, Flora, and I went to a violin concert.

Ich habe meine Deutschstudenten unterrichtet und dann waren wir alle in der Kirche.  Erst gab es Suppe, dann eine Kreuzwegandacht mit anschließender Messe.  Nachdem wir wieder zu Hause angekommen waren, sind Veronika, Flora und ich zu einem Geigenkonzert gegangen.

After the concert 🙄
Nach dem Konzert 🙄


  1. I love the Angel. Was the quark stupidly expensive? I remember one year you commenting on the price. Well done to Flora with the test as timed tests are not easy. Happy Fri-Yay to you xx

    1. Sybille makes such beautiful artwork! Oh yes, quark, one of the cheapest dairy products in Germany, is a luxury item here. I can only buy it once a year for Easter. You used to be able to get it at Wegmans, but now they don't sell it anymore. I have to order it directly in Vermont. There is a small place in Pennsylvania, close to Jonathan's alma mater St. Vincent College, that sells it, but their shipping is not so cheap. Whenever you have to have quark shipped, you have pay for fast shipping and cooling boxes. But I could not imagine Easter without Pascha! Ha, ha, you sound like Coy Wire from CNN10! He says that every Friday during his news show for teens :). You should incorporate that into your school day. He is such an uplifting guy! And yes, I was so relieved that Flora managed that test. Now we don't have to worry about high school so much. We still have spelling to deal with and it is her weak point, but her math was up to grade level!

  2. Now I’m going to have to check out this Coy Wire guy 😂. Brilliant news about Flora you must be so pleased 🩷. I’m going to have to find a Pascha recipe and see if I can make some this Easter. We are still sick with this weird virus 🙄. We thought it had gone and then boom the same symptoms are back again! Poor Pip has tried turning up for her online lessons but her concentration is totally off, I really feel for her. She can’t afford to fall behind so she will be playing catch up this weekend 🙁. I don’t think we will make it to mass this weekend so we will watch it online instead. I keep telling myself, God in all things! Love to you xxxx

    1. Here is the link to CNN10. He is marvelous! I am happy that we do not have to stick to the untimed test in high school and that her path to actually manage the SAT without accommodations is getting more likely. There are plenty of Pascha recipes online, but I am using our family recipe from Russia (my great-grandfather was born in Moscow, but is German). If you are interested, I can look for a similar one online. Oh, I am sorry to hear that you are sick again. We had this cough that went on forever, but now we are all more or less well again. I hope you can get to church during Holy Week!

  3. Congratulations to Flora. That is wonderful news. Was the violin concert at the college? Glad you have your quark! Our coop in Brooklyn used to sell it. They probably still do, but we haven't shopped there in years. I haven't seen quark lately in any of the stores I frequent. Sybille's angel is very sweet and it's nice you all got to Mass together :)

    1. We are happy and relieved. Yes, it was a faculty recital and all three professors were very good. Wegmans used to sell quark, but the companies that used to have it don't carry it anymore. I am glad that this small farm in Vermont makes it. Sybille has lovely designs and I am so glad she shares her art with us. And we have made it to all Wednesdays Lenten services except one (my birthday). That is a good feeling.


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