Friday, July 21, 2023


Peter and I had to run several errands up in Buffalo today.  One was to replace my fragrance mist. at Bath & Body Works.  The last bottle I bought was in London.  

Peter und ich mußten heute verschiedene Besorgungen in Buffalo machen.  Eine davon war ein neues Duftwasser zu kaufen.  Die letzte Flasche davon habe ich in London gekauft.

Gingham Fine Fragrance Mist: I love this scent!
Dieser Duft riecht wunderbar!


We also went grocery shopping and picked up some jewelry that had been repaired at a jeweler's, who does very good work at very good prices.  Then I bought a new wallet because my old one was falling apart.  We checked the mall, but they only had really expensive ones or really flimsy ones.  I ended up getting one at T. J Maxx.

Wir haben auch Lebensmittel eingekauft und Schmuck bei einem Juwelier abgeholt, der preisgünstig Schmuck gut repariert.  Ich brauchte auch ein neues Portemonnaie, weil mein altes auseinander fiel.  Im Einkaufszentrum gab es keine guten, sie waren entweder zu schrottig oder zu teuer.  So habe ich dann später eins in einem anderen Laden gefunden.

Jonathan(second from left) had a Hertog Foundation reunion.
Jonathan (zweiter von links) hatte ein Ehemaligentreffen mit Hertog Stiftung Teilnehmern.

The other day, he sent us this picture of a house James Monroe lived in.
Neulich hat er uns ein Foto von einem Haus geschickt, in dem James Monroe gelebt hat.

Tomorrow, Veronika and Flora will sing with the children's choir again.  That means that we won't have much time doing our regular cleaning chores.  Maybe Monday?

Morgen singen Veronika und Flora wieder mit dem Kinderchor und dann können wir kaum unsere normalen Samstagsputzarbeiten machen.  Vielleicht müssen sie Montag passieren.


  1. So glad you were able to treat yourself, as mums we often push our own requirements way down to the bottom of the list. Your weekend sounds super busy so if Monday is a chore day then at least it will be a home day 🙂

    1. It was a rare occasion to do errands like this just with Peter. And it was good to take care of some of the things I needed. It is true that mothers often come last, but one day children will realize how much they have been given. Yes, it will be a busy Sunday with church and picking up Charlotte. I posted about our Saturday, which was fun, but also quite hot. I think we will all need to recover a bit on Monday and finish some chores.

  2. It sounds like it was a nice day visiting the mall, especially if it was nice and cool there in the AC. I need to get a new wallet also! How are your teeth feeling these days? (I took a peek at the London post). I hope they've been better. I have a check up coming in August and hope that I don't have any cavities! These are nice photos from Jonathan . . have a good Sunday Eva.

    1. It is a big mall with good stores, but we only looked at three. You know, it is hard to find good wallets here. Most of them are not out of leather anymore and the selections are not very good. Maybe people don't use wallets so much anymore? There might be special phone/wallet/purses people prefer now.

      Ha, one of the reasons we went to Buffalo was trying a chiropractor who also treats jaws. I have been back to the endodontist twice, but she cannot find anything major wrong. She referred me to an oral surgeon because she thought maybe the bite is off because I have no wisdom tooth next to the root canal tooth, but still one wisdom tooth at the bottom. She thinks that might cause the pain, but she was not sure. Before I have more teeth pulled, I thought I would try something else and found this chiropractor. The chiropractor does not know if he can help me (he treats soft tissues and bones), but he will try some ideas. If it does not help, I will see the oral surgeon. My pain has spread to the left side of the face, but does not seem to be caused by the teeth.

      I think Jonathan had a good reunion. He is coming home soon, just for a few days, then goes back to Blackstone for a weekend, then will come back home, and then the new semester will start.

      Charlotte will be coming home tomorrow!

  3. It's not easy trying to ease our physical ailments at our age, maybe! ? Your teeth . . my eyes . . (sigh). No, I honestly don't think people use wallets anymore! Many people here in the city use Apple pay with their smart phones!

    1. Yes, I think you can only do so much and that is it. I still use a wallet and I don't want one of those things you put your phone in, the credit cards in, and all the other things people carry around! Peter uses his phone to pay with, but I don't. I only turn my phone on when we travel. And I always have money along.


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