Saturday, July 29, 2023


It has been very hot here, but after the most recent rain, it has cooled off a bit.  We have been busy with many small and large projects and errands, like going to the pediatrician to get a prescription cream for a rash (of course, the pharmacy did not have it in stock and now we need to wait until Monday), turning in more completed reading forms at the library (part of their teen reading program), cleaning, planning the new school year, and more.  On our way back from the pediatrician, we stopped at the SPCA to pick up forms for volunteering there.  Their printer was down, but today they e-maile us the forms.  Of course, we also visited the cats.

Es ist hier in den letzten Tagen sehr heiß gewesen, aber nach dem letzten Regen ist es endlich kühler geworden.  Wir sind hier mit kleinen und großen Dingen beschäftigt, z. B. mußten wir zum Kinderarzt, um eine Ekzemsalbe verschrieben zu bekommen (natürlich hatte die Apotheke sie dann nicht und wir müssen bis Montag warten), haben Floras Bewertungen für gelesene Bücher für das Büchereileseprogramm in der Bücherei abgegeben, haben geputzt, das neue Schuljahr weiter geplant usw.  Auf dem Rückweg vom Kinderarzt haben wir beim Tierheim angehalten, um Formulare für Freiwilligenarbeit abzuholen.  Leider war ihr Drucker kaputt, so daß wir die Papier vor Ort nicht mitnehmen konnten, doch inzwischen haben wir sie per E-Mail bekommen.  Natürlich mußten wir auch einen Blick auf die Katzen werfen.

This cat jumped right into Flora's arms.
Diese Katze ist Flora gleich in die Arme gesprungen.

I thought that this cat looked very Egyptian!
Diese Katze sieht doch sehr ägyptisch aus, oder?


  1. Hope whoever needs the cream isn't suffering too much with itchiness until you can access the right cream. I'm glad you managed your summer swim, over here in the North of the UK, we've had nothing but rain with more forecast over the next few days - apparently summer is meant to put in an appearance at some point 😂. I love the photo of Flora holding the cat that jumped into her arms, she certainly has a way with animals! Happy Sunday to you all xx

    1. We got some over the counter cream to tie us over until Monday. Hopefully, the real thing will be there tomorrow afternoon. I think my dad has had similar weather. I hope you will finally get some sun and warmth! Yes, Flora loves all animals and she really looks forward to helping out at the facility.

  2. Yes, the cat does look very Egyptian! We've had nicer weather here now also, though I'm sure there will be more very hot days before autumn fully arrives.

    1. Maybe it came straight from there. I have a feeling that we have entered the daily thunderstorm/muggy time now. It is like in the tropics these days around here although the nights are cool.

  3. P.S. The photo of Flora and the cat is sweet!


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