Thursday, March 30, 2023

Pennsylvania: Historic Fallsington/Historisches Fallsington

Drive to Philadelphia area:
Wir fahren in die Nähe von Philadelphia:

As we are driving south, spring is in the air!
Hier weiter im Süden wird es schon Frühling!

This is the John Jay Institute, where Peter taught a class.
An dem John Jay Institut hat Peter unterrichtet.

While Peter taught, the girls and I walked around historic Fallsington.
Während Peter unterrichtet hat, habe ich mir Fallsington mit den Mädchen angeguckt.


William Penn was in one of these Quaker meeting houses.
William Penn, der Gründe von Pennsylvanien, hat sich hier mit den Quäkern getroffen.

Spring has arrived here!
Der Frühling ist hier schon angekommen!

Quaker meeting house
Quäker Kirchengebäude

Old Quaker cemetery
Alter Quäker Friedhof

House of the village teacher
Haus des Dorflehrers

Sehr altes Blockhaus

This is the house of our hosts where we spent the night.
Hier haben wir übernachtet (Bekannte von Peter).

Some parts of the house are from the 17th century.
Ein paar Teile des Hauses stammen aus dem 17. Jahrhundert.

And Flora found a friend.
Ein Freund für Flora.

No, two friends!
Nein, zwei Freunde!

Flora's bed
Floras Bett

On the way back/Auf der Rückfahrt 😀

We got into a bad snowstorm crossing the mountains and spent a night close to Binghamton.  The next morning, the snow was almost gone.

Als wir über die Berge wieder nach New York gefahren sind, sind wir in einen schlimmen Schneesturm geraten.  Wir haben in Binghamton übernachtet und am nächsten Morgen war der Schnee fast weg.


After we had gotten back, Peter picked up a college car and drove back to PA, but this time to Western PA, stopping in Erie to see Charlotte.  He is at a conference, but coming back tomorrow.  I drove the girls to ballet.

Nachdem wir zu Hause angekommen waren, haben wir ein College Auto für Peter abgeholt, mit dem er dann wieder nach Pennsylvanien gefahren ist, aber in den Westen.  Unterwegs hat er bei Charlotte in Erie angehalten.  Er ist bei einer Konferenz und hat dort einen Vortrag gehalten, aber er kommt morgen wieder.  Ich habe die Mädchen zum Ballett gefahren.


  1. You had quite a little adventure! It's good the snow didn't hold you up too long . . Peter had many appointments to keep! Historic Fallsington is very pretty and I love seeing the Quaker Meetinghouses and the cemetery . . and the flowers and trees are beautiful. How fun for the dogs to be there for Flora.

    1. We were glad we had not planned on driving home that night. We attended tea hosted by the students in the afternoon and left after that, which caused us to drive mostly in the dark (and then snow). There were many Quakers there. I was kind of awed to think that William Penn attended services there (although it was not quite clear in which meetinghouse). It felt so nice to get some warmth and see some spring flowers. Those dogs were perfect for Flora. They were father and son with a British pedigree.

    2. P.S. It was nice we could go along because normally that does not work financially. Peter's drive to Grove City on the day of our return was kind of crazy. He finished reading the book he was going to speak about in the night in the hotel close to Binghamton. He had one night in a hotel in Grove City to right the paper about the book and then presented it the next day. He managed to see Charlotte on the way to and from Grove City. When he got home, I pulled into the driveway at the same time because Flora and Veronika wanted to attend a musical in the next town. Some friends of ours were in it. So Peter unloaded his college car and we drove back to the college to return the car. Later, Peter drove to get the girls after the musical was done and then the snow started. It was a crazy week.


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