Sunday, March 5, 2023


Charlotte baked these little cakes for our tea time.
Charlotte hat diese kleinen Küchlein zum Kaffeetrinken gebacken.

My roses
Meine Rosen


  1. The treats look delicious and the roses are still blooming beautifully :) When did you change your blog background?!

    1. Thanks so much! Oh, I think it was during our Christmas break. I felt I needed a change, but did not want to be too drastic.

    2. Oh, I love it. It looks really nice, and it seems to load a bit more quickly.

    3. Thanks so much. I thought changing it might not work because I had customized my old one, but I found a way where that did not matter and I did not have to start from scratch to re-customize a new template. I am glad it loads more quickly. I did not know that could make a difference.

  2. It's interesting that it does (the background). I try to keep my photos to the medium size as you once mentioned they load more quickly that way.

    1. Sometimes the plug-ins/links cause slow loading. Yes, my pictures are normally smaller too, just sometimes I make them bigger for my father, especially when his grandchildren are shown :).


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