Friday, March 17, 2023

Summary of Week/Zusammenfassung der Woche

We have started new main lessons: Africa for Flora and History of Chemistry for Veronika.

Wir haben mit neuen Hauptepochen angefangen: Afrika für Flora und Geschichte der Chemie für Veronika.

Flora is drawing a map of Africa.
Flora malt eine Karte von Afrika.

Veronika is making a game with elements.
Veronika bastelt ein Spiel mit den Elementen.

Flora's finished map
Floras Landkarte ist fertig.

Jonathan and Flora are making a paper model of Pfalzgrafenstein Castle.
Jonathan und Flora basteln ein Modell von Burg Pfalzgrafenstein.

Jonathan had ordered it to surprise Flora before he came.  He had planned to work at this with her together.

Jonathan hat diesen Bastelbogen bestellt, bevor er nach Hause gekommen ist.  Er wollte das mit ihr basteln, während seiner Zeit zu Hause.

Jonathan, Veronika, Flora, and I participated in the Home Ecology Class at Letchworth.  It was all about maple syrup.  It is Maple Weekend this weekend in New York!

Jonathan, Veronika, Flora und ich haben an der Klasse für Homeschoolers in Letchworth teilgenommen.  Dieses Mal ging es um Ahornsirup.


These holes were made by the Yellow-bellied sapsucker.  He also likes the sap.

Diese Löcher hat der Gelbbauch-Saftlecker gemacht.  Er mag auch den Saft, aus dem man Ahornsirup macht.

Here you can see the blue tubing for the sap.
Hier kann man die blauen Schläuche sehen, mit denen der Saft weitergeleitet wird.

Conrad is explaining all there is about the sugar shack.
Conrad erklärt uns alles über die Herstellung des eigentlichen Sirups.

40 Gallonen Saft machen ca. 1 Gallone Sirup.

Different grades of syrup
Die verschiedenen Grade des Sirups

First buds of spring identification table
Tisch mit den ersten grünen Zweigen des Frühlings zu Identifikationszwecken

In the Nature Center
Im Naturkundezentrum

After the class, we stayed half an hour longer because Jonathan had a Zoom meeting with people from Georgetown and Conrad graciously had given us permission beforehand to use their classroom so he could be undisturbed.  This way, Jonathan could come along and do his Zoom appointment.

Nach der Klasse waren wir noch eine halbe Stunde länger dort, weil Jonathan mit Leuten von einer Uni zoomen mußte und Conrad uns netterweise einen ihrer Unterrichtsräume zur Verfügung gestellt hatte, damit Jonathan das ungestört tun konnte.  So konnte Jonathan mitkommen und mußte seinen Termin nicht verpassen.  

On our way home, we saw a raccoon.
Auf dem Nachhauseweg haben wir einen Waschbären gesehen.

Amazing how this tree is holding on!
Erstaunlich, wie der Baum sich festhält!

Back home, the first crocus is blooming.
Zu Hause blüht jetzt auch der Krokus.

The snowdrops are still going strong.
Die Schneeglöckchen blühen immer noch.

Today, the window people finally came to replace four windows, which had broken.  We had to wait almost half a year for them to come because of supply shortages.  Now it is not so cold upstairs anymore.

Heute war endlich die Fensterfirma da, um vier Fenster zu ersetzten, die gesprungen waren bzw. Löcher hatten.  Wir haben fast ein halbes Jahr auf diese Fenster warten müssen, weil es Lieferengpässe gab.

I am still trying to get used to daylight savings time.  I wish we would stop with changing our clocks twice a year.

Ich versuche immer noch, mich wieder an die Sommerzeit zu gewöhnen.  Ich bin wirklich dafür, dieses Vor- und Zurückstellen der Uhren wieder abzuschaffen.


  1. What a lovely week. Jonathan reminds me of my sister. She was always thinking of fun things we could do together, or places we could go together (there's nine years between us). I would love to have seen the spring bud ID table! Were you able to recognize any of them? How nice of Conrad to let Jonathan use the room for his meeting, and seeing the raccoon must have been exciting. He looks very cute and clever with his busy paws.

    1. It was a good week and it was nice to have Jonathan home. Oh, your sister must have been a wonderful companion! I was really touched when Jonathan told me he had ordered the kit (from Germany!) to do together with Flora during break. Some of the buds were maple (of course), but others were harder to identify. Some had leaves so it made it easier, but I think I would not be able to get most of them right without some help. Yes, if Conrad had not allowed Jonathan to use that room, Jonathan could not have come along. The Zoom meeting was mandatory and had to do with his law summer internships. The raccoon was right there next to the road in the park and he was very busy washing himself. In German they are called "Waschbären." He truly lived up to his name.

  2. What a good name, Waschbären :) Good luck to Jonathan with all his summer law internships. Chanda is working on summer internship applications now. It's been a bit stressful. I hope they both get spots they like.

    1. Yes, it is so fitting! Jonathan has two internship lined up: One is with Becket and the other one with Blackstone. He is happy about them both because they are well respected firms/organizations.

    2. Hi! Just seeing this now lol :) She ended up working for her teacher and learning about lichen. She did a week long seminar in Maine and then collected lichen around the city in parks and cemeteries. I don't think she has this summer lined up yet, but I believe you said Jonathan does :)

    3. Ha, ha! Lichen are fascinating. Yes, Jonathan will come here first and then he has to work for a law firm in NYC! I can send you more information about it in an e-mail.

    4. Yes, please do! How long will he be here for?

    5. Several months! I have to get the exact dates from him. I will write to you when I know those.

    6. Thanks Eva. It would be nice to have him over for dinner to welcome him to the city . . if he has time.

    7. I will let you know where he is staying and what his schedule is like. I don't know those things myself yet (and neither does he). Thanks so much for the invitation!

    8. P.S. You will have Jonathan and Charlotte again (but not together). That is neat!

    9. Maybe we get to see Morgana again when we go to London next spring :).


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