Monday, March 20, 2023

Rest in Peace/Ruhe in Frieden

Please, pray for my Aunt Erika, who just died after battling bone cancer.
Bitte betet für meine Tante Erika, die eben an Knochenkrebs gestorben ist.

She was close to all of us, remembering each of our birthdays with meaningful presents and meaningful presents and gummy bears for the children.  Her Christmas packages always had wonderful surprises and handmade cards.

Sie hat jedem von uns immer Geburtstagspäckchen geschickt, worin schöne Geschenke und auch Gummibärchen für die Kinder waren.  Auch ihre Weihnachtspäckchen waren immer wunderschön und durchdacht, so z. B. ihre alljährlichen selbstgemachten Karten, die wir sehr vermissen werden.


  1. I'm so sorry Eva. I'll say prayers for her xoxoxo I send you much love.

    1. Thanks for your kind words. She played a big role in our family life and now she is gone. I talked to her on the phone while in Germany and she sent me a birthday letter in February and all children wrote letters with her regularly. She was so confident she would survive her cancer. It is very sad.

  2. Will pray for her and you all, may she rest in peace ❤️

    1. Thanks so much, San! We have quite a few deaths in our family and among friends/acquaintances on the German side recently.

  3. I send my sympathies to you all. May she rest in peace.


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