Tuesday, May 17, 2022

Western New York/Westliches New York

Here are a few photos Flora took in Atlanta yesterday.
Hier sind einige Fotos, die Flora gestern in Atlanta gemacht hat.

It is already way past midnight and we are finally in Buffalo, waiting for our luggage to arrive.
Es ist schon längst nach Mitternacht, als wir in Buffalo ankamen, und hier warten wir auf unser Gepäck.

By the time we got out, it was about 2 o'clock in the morning and the airport was still quite full.
Es war schon 2 Uhr mrogens, als wir aus dem Fllughafengebäude kamen und es war immer noch voll.

Next day (which is today), Flora was walking Cooper again.
Am nächsten Tag (also heute, ist Flora mit Cooper spazieren gegangen.


  1. We’ve had all sorts going on at this end, some good, some not so good and therefore I’m slowly catching up with you 🙂. I’m glad you made it home safely and I’m forever grateful we actually managed to spend a lovely day with you all. Sending much love San xx

    1. Ah, I am sorry to hear that. We have also had some health related issues (Covid and bad colds -- just some of us). And a flight like this is also quite stressful. Now we have to mow the lawn, put things away, and in a few minutes some guy will come to look at our modem because the internet provider called us to tell us something was wrong. It is very old, from 2013. He was shocked that it was still somewhat working. The girls keep getting compliments for your pretty bags :). It was so lovely to see you.

  2. Flora and Cooper look very happy to be together again.

    The flight pictures are fun to see . . views from the plane are always so amazing.

  3. Flora and Cooper look very happy to be together once more, and her photos from Atlanta are fun to see. How tired all of you must have been, and how happy to be home in your own beds again!

    1. Flora was so happy to be able to go over and see Cooper and then yesterday the other dog, Hadley. She will be dog sitting my student's dog in June. We still have not quite recovered from the time change, but it is nice to sleep in our own bed again.

  4. It always takes a few days to recuperate from traveling!

    I clearly remember the feeling of returning home after being away for several months. It's very special re-orienting to familiar, much loved surroundings.

    1. I think the older I get the harder it gets to recover. Yes, I have re-orient myself after using two different kitchens overseas. I keep looking at the wrong spots for things. Also, the first several nights here at home, Peter and I still thought we were in Germany and tried to run into the bookcases when looking for the bathroom at night because that was the direction you would go to in Germany when going to the bathroom at night (I hope that made sense).


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