Tuesday, February 1, 2022

Library Cards/Büchereiausweise

View from our bedroom: You can actually see the Shard in the distance.
Blick aus unserem Schlafimmer: Man kann sogar die Shard von unserem Fenster aus sehen.

We have unpacked all our suitcases and started homeschooling again.  Peter is busy preparing for the arrival of the students and the other professor.  The other professor is coming on Thursday and the students on Friday.  There is a new storm coming, so we do hope they will not run into the same problems we did.  In the afternoon, we visited the local library branch and got library cards.  We have not used public transportation so far (except Peter) because we are waiting for Flora's Oyster card (travel card for public transportation) to arrive.  Her card comes in the mail because she does not have to pay full price.  

Wir haben alles ausgepackt und wieder mit dem Schulunterricht angefangen.  Peter bereitet die Ankunft der Studenten und des anderen Professors vor.  Der andere Professor kommt am Donnerstag und die Studenten am Freitag.  An der Ostküste von Amerika entwickelt sich wieder ein neuer Schneesturm.  Hoffentlich ergeht es den Studenten und dem Professor nicht so wie uns.  Das möchte man keinem wünschen.  Heute nachmittag waren wir in unserer Büchereizweigstelle, um uns Ausweise zu besorgen.  Wir sind bisher noch nicht mit öffentlichen Verkehrsmitteln gefahren, weil wir noch auf Floras Fahrausweis warten müssen.  Er wird mit der Post geschickt, weil sie eine Ermäßigung bekommt.

One of many pubs
Eine der vielen Kneipen

Ruskin Park

In the library
In der Bücherei

Der Schriftsteller John Ruskin hat hier gewohnt.


Walking back home
Wir gehen wieder nach Hause.

Miriam's birthday flowers in our kitchen
Miriams Geburtstagsblumen in unserer Küche

I have zoomed with my German student and am trying to straighten out some Moodle problems.  Yes, I am using that again.  I will zoom with her again tomorrow.  When we did class on Monday, Timmy, our "new" pet, heard my voice and got all happy and started to twitter 😁!  (My student is taking care of him during our absence.)

Ich habe meine Studentin am Montag mit Zoom unterrichtet.  Wir haben ein paar Probleme mit Moodle, die erst einmal behoben werden müssen.  Als wir uns am Montag "gesehen" haben, hat Timmy, unser Vogel, meine Stimme gehört, und sofort laut zu zwitschern angefangen 😁 .  Meine Studentin kümmert sich im Moment um Timmy.  Morgen unterrichte ich die Studentin wieder.  


  1. Fab pictures! I’ve chatted with MIL and she has given me dates when she isn’t available to be around for Ben and Pip, so one step closer to arrange a meet up 🙂❤️ I love the story about Timmy so sweet xx

    1. Wonderful! I will send you an e-mail soon and also some pictures of the downstairs. There is just the kitchen and a bathroom. The kitchen is kind of cold and just has wooden chairs and a table for sitting. The toilet is small. We will be here until the end of April.

  2. It's a very pretty neighborhood, Eva, and the houses look quaint.

    It's nice to hear that Timmy is well. I remember you mentioning in one of the last posts that he was ill? I guess he must miss all of you!

    1. Indeed, it is. It is clean, safe, and friendly, but not fancy. I think this is the cleanest and quietest part we have lived in so far. It gives you more the feeling that you are in England.

      Oh yes, he had diarrhea and was not eating, but I found some medicine in one of the boxes that came with him and gave it to him. I also instructed my student to feed it to him and it must have helped. I was afraid he might die.


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