Monday, June 17, 2019

School Spelling Dictionary/Schulwörterbuch

When we were in London, I found very helpful materials for improving Flora's phonetic and spelling skills.  I do have to say that there seem to be better and cheaper materials for children that struggle with reading and spelling than here in the U.S.  One of these is the School Spelling Dictionary.  It is a regular dictionary, but also lists "phonetic spellings of words," i.e., a child might think that you spell "adventure" like this: "advencher."  This dictionary will list both spellings, but print the "wrong" one in red and next to it the correct spelling.  (Since Flora is primarily an auditory learner, wrong spellings (and right spellings) don't stick to her brain and seeing a wrongly spelled word does not cause her to think that the wrong spelling is the right spelling.)  Today, she was working on a story and tried to look up the words she did not know how to spell.  That was truly an intellectual workout for her, but she persevered for over an hour!  

Heute hat Flora mit diesem britischen Wörterbuch gearbeitet, das ich in London entdeckt habe.  Es ist für Kinder mit Lese- Rechtschreibschwächen geschrieben und hat neben der regulären Schreibweise von Wörtern auch die falsche Schreibweise eines Wortes verzeichnet.  Neben jedem falschen Wort steht das Wort richtig geschrieben.  Kinder, die sich die vertrackte  englische Schreibweise nicht so schnell merken können, finden eine große Hilfe in diesem Wörterbuch.  Flora hat dieses Wörterbuch benutzt, als sie eine Geschichte geschrieben hat.  Das war gar nicht so einfach, aber sie hat über eine Stunde damit gearbeitet!  


  1. Well done Flora for persevering and you have an artist's eye just like your big sister Miriam xx

    1. Thank you, says Flora. She would love to write stories and illustrate them for a living :).

  2. Super! Das ist ganz schön lang, über eine Stunde. Wovon handelt die Geschichte?

    1. Die Geschichte heißt "Can I Dance". Es geht um ein Mädchen, das tanzen möchte, aber irgendwie tanzt nur ihre Schwester.

  3. I remember my sister suggesting an online program to help Morgana, but it was too expensive. Morgana did get a lot of help from her aunt, however. My sister is a reading tutor and studied the Orton Gillingham approach with the Masons.

    1. All those online programs are meant to be used in schools and then they are free, but not for homeschoolers. Many of our resources are Orton-Gillingham based. They work fine for reading for her, but not for spelling so far. She has zero visual memory, so it is hard to learn how to spell.


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