Wednesday, November 12, 2014

St. Martin

What a great day for our traditional lantern walk we had yesterday!  Cold, but not too cold and no snow or rain.  Here a few pictures of our walk, even Julius came along.

Was für ein toller Tag für unseren alljährlichen Laternenumzug haben wir gestern gehabt!  Kalt, aber nicht zu kalt und keinen Schnee oder Regen.  Hier ein paar Fotos, sogar Julius ist mitgegangen. 

Here is also a list of our favorite songs we like to sing when walking with our lanterns.  We are probably a strange sight for most people around here, walking with lanterns and singing while doing so.

Hier ist auch eine Liste mit unseren Lieblingslaternenlieder.  Wahrscheinlich sehen wir für die Einheimischen hier sehr komisch aus: mit Laterne und noch dazu Lieder singend.  


  1. Replies
    1. We would have loved to walk with you together. We never go very far, just around the block (but several times), along the edge of the woods where it is quite dark. A perfect spot for a lantern walk.

  2. Wieder mal so schöne Fotos, liebe Eva! Und so viele Laternen! Ja, bei einer großen Familie kann man dann schon ganz richtig von einem Laternenumzug sprechen. :)
    Hier hat es am 11. in Strömen geregnet, bestimmt waren viele Kinder traurig, die gern mit ihren Laternen hinausgegangen wären. Heute ist der erste Tag ohne Regen, aber ab Samstag soll es wieder mächtig mit Niederschlägen weitergehen. Mir wachsen bald Schwimmhäute... ;)

    1. Ja, was sich da alles über die Jahre ansammelt :). Das stimmt, das war schon ein echter Umzug.

      In Strömen, oh wie schade. In der Schweiz scheint es auch sehr viel zu regnen. Das verdirbt ja das ganze Fest. Vielleicht muß Du Deinen Badeanzug rausholen :). Oder "Den kleinen Wassermann" lesen. Der hat auch Schwimmhäute. Hoffentlich hört der Regen bald wieder auf.

  3. I May actually learn some German by reading your lovely blog!

    1. Maybe next time you see your sister, you will talk German to her instead of Portuguese :). How is her German by the way?

  4. Dear Eva,

    It's been so long since I've commented, even though I keep up with reading your posts-- I'm sorry!

    Your Martinmas photos are wonderful! A lot like our own! We've been learning a German Martinmas song from our Teach Me German kids book and CD. It's called: Ich geh' Mit Meiner Laterne. Since we didn't have it memorized yet, we simply sang Dona Nobis Pacem whilst out in the dark. However, our evening was quite cold-- we had a 100 year cold spell and it was minus eleven out-- brrrr!

    Love and blessings,

    1. No problem, I sometimes feel overwhelmed with commenting, so I completely understand. It is a nice way of "talking" about our days and experiences, though, so I do love comments.

      Is the "Ich geh mit meiner Laterne" the same one I linked to above? It is very popular, especially with smaller children. But the tune you mention is different from the one I am familiar with. That is too cold, I am complaining about our cold here, but minus eleven, is that Fahrenheit? That is even worse. How are you handling this? Did you see that I answered your question about the Jewish holidays?

  5. Such a beautiful night , Eva!! At dinner on Martinmas, Greg was reminiscing about our lantern walks through Prospect Park. They were just like yours :) I'm so glad you walked and sang and shared your evening :) It's so special. And the songs make me smile. Chanda and I sang to him at the table.

    1. Isn't it said when you don't do this anymore? I am glad Jonathan and Charlotte still like to go and sing and don't think this is babyish. I am glad they don't have any peers that tell them that. Does Greg like to sing? A male voice to so many female voices is always lovely. Since Jonathan's voice has changed our songs are much fuller now and when Peter sings along it sounds like a small choir because he really sings well and beautifully. Did Morgana have a Martinmas? I don't know if they celebrate that in Austria. So nice you could sing at home at least.

  6. P.S.The glass jar lanterns are my favorite to make and to use! I remember very clearly making ours out in Brooklyn . . a long time ago! Ten years at least! We still have them :)

    P.P.S I read on the Waldorf email list about what traditions to do with the older children . . and you know, it's not always easy to know what to do! I guess we mainly do meals and songs and readings. I guess that's good.

    1. Some of ours are also about 12 years old. They do last a long time. Flora made a new this year. It is always how different each one turns out.

      You are right, it is not so easy to keep up the traditions when there are no little children around anymore. I remember that my dad had a hard time adjusting to this when we wanted to have more of a say in Christmas and Easter traditions. That was very had on him since he was the main contributor to those days. In our house traditions have not changed so much, but Jonathan and Charlotte have more responsibilities in the major ones. But we also have little people so the magic is still there and is kept alive. I am glad you have not given up singing. When Peter and I were without children we also sang songs during Advent although it took us a while to really get into it. Now the children sing along and I am glad we made a point in passing on this tradition. So, keep singing and making good food. This is very important and meaningful.

    2. Thank you, Eva, I will :) It's so nice to hear about you and Peter singing together. It's such a gift for your children . . and for the two of you also.

  7. Wie schön! Die ersten zwei Lieder singen wir auch, nur die schweizerdeutsche Version, Glimmer lantern glimmer singen wir auch auf Englisch. Und falls ihr nächstes Jahr noch ein paar schweizerdeutsche Lieder zu eurer schon fast internationalen Sammlung hinzufügen möchtet, dann fragt nur.

    1. Hmm, vielleicht sprechen wir die schweizerdeutschen Lieder ganz falsch aus :). Bis auf Peter, der würde sie dann wohl richtig machen. Falls Du ein einfaches hast, würden wir uns darüber sehr freuen.

    2. Räbeliechtli haben wir sehr gerne, es ist auch nicht schwierig. Hier habe ich es sogar mit Aussprache gefunden Es hat auch das Notenblatt (Download). Hoffentlich gefällt es euch!

    3. Ganz lieben Dank, das schaue ich mir mal an! Aussprache ist immer gut.


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