Tuesday, November 18, 2014


Some areas around here got 29 inches of snow last night, but we only got a little bit.  Nevertheless, it is cold, 12 degrees right now.  We went to church this morning and then to the library to pick up some Thanksgiving books.  Afterwards I finally managed to clean up upstairs, I guess at least more or less.  Tomorrow I will tackle downstairs.  I met a student after lunch to help her with an application for a scholarship to Germany and afterwards had a nice chat with the French professor (I had already met his wife in the library this morning).  Jonathan and Charlotte forgot to go to the French Table at lunch time.  They were angry at themselves.  I did not take any pictures, did not even think about pictures.  In fact, I think some child took my camera today and has not returned it.  But I did make pizza tonight, from scratch.  I also took Jonathan to a new barber in town.  She did a nice job, at least in the back.  The front was not ideal, so I got our clippers and fixed it.  Now he looks like Jonathan again :).  Oh, and Charlotte got up really early, around 5:00 a.m. to watch the Leonid Meteor Shower.  Quite impressive, she thought.

Einige Gegenden hier haben über Nacht 74 cm Schnee bekommen, aber wir nicht so viel.  Dafür ist es sehr kalt, im Moment -11 Grad.  Wir sind zur Frühmesse gefahren, dann zur Bücherei, wo ich die Frau des Französischprofessors getroffen habe.  Anschließend habe ich es endlich geschafft, unsere obere Etage mehr oder wenig aufzuräumen.  Morgen ist unten dran.  Nach dem Mittagessen habe ich einer Studentin bei einer Bewerbung für ein Stipendium nach Deutschland geholfen.  Danach gab es ein langes Schwätzchen mit dem Französischprofessor.  Jonathan und Charlotte haben heute vergessen, zum französischen Stammtisch zu gehen.  Sie waren mit sich sehr unzufrieden, daß sie das verschwitzt haben.  Ich habe heute keine Fotos gemacht, ich weiß noch nicht mal, wo mein Fotoapparat ist.  Irgendein Kind hat ihn sich ausgeliehen und nicht zurückgebracht.  Aber ich habe heute abend Pizza gemacht, ohne Backmischung!  Ich habe auch Jonathan zu einem neuen Friseur gebracht, sie hat ganz gut die Haare geschnitten, auf jeden Fall von hinten.  Von vorne war das nicht so toll und so habe ich hier zu Hause mit unserem Haarschneidegerät die Frisur verbessert.  Jetzt sieht Jonathan wieder so aus wie immer :).  Und Charlotte ist schon so gegen fünf aufgestanden, um sich die Leoniden anzuschauen.  Sie war ganz beeindruckt.      


  1. Busy days as always. Totally impressed with Charlotte for getting up at five, mind you Pip is often up and about not long after! In a parallel universe they could have shared that experience together!!

    Hope your week is going OK. Is Thanksgiving next Thursday?

    San xx

    1. :)). I was very impressed as well, but Charlotte really likes to look at the stars. That would have been cute, Pip and Charlotte doing this together. The week is busy and so cold! They had six deaths in the area because of the snow.

      Thanksgiving is next week, I only have to teach on campus on Monday! Hard to believe. I will have a lot of housework to do during those free days. We will also start with Christmas present projects I think.

    2. Your time at home sounds lovely. I hope you can manage to take some photos and then I can join you in spirit! Xx

    3. I will try, I am not "American" enough to make it very fancy, in fact, I have not even thought about what to make for Thanksgiving. Right now we have to wait and see if the food delivery will work again. All stores around here are not getting new food because of the bad snow in the north.

  2. Hello Eva, I was wondering how you had fared. Can't believe all that snow!!! The Leonids must have been beautiful. How wonderful for Charlotte to have seen the Leonids! I enjoyed the lesson about time :)

    Yes, definitely TIME to start with Christmas present projects. Time is moving very quickly . . for me.

    1. Just half an hour towards the north and west was already part of the bad storm. We have been very lucky and just got the regular snow. I feel sorry of those people up north. Even some hospitals had to partly shut down (Children's, I believe).

      Christmas will be here soon and there is so much to do. I also invited my German students over (what was I thinking!).


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