Thursday, January 16, 2025

London Archives/Londoner Stadtarchiv

We saw this interesting exhibition about the lost Victorian London today.
Heute haben wir eine interessante Ausstellung über das verschwundene London des viktorianischen Zeitalters gesehen.

It was hard to take pictures because they had to dim the lights to protect items.
Man konnte nicht gut fotografieren, weil es nicht hell beleuchtet war (einige Exponate vertragen kein helles Licht).

Peter had to check the museum guides for the National Gallery and it was a mess!  (The National Gallery is always the museum that changes out its paintings constantly.  Right now, they closed a whole wing, which is quite a problem for the students' assignments.)  He came home at night and was quite annoyed.  

Peter mußte sich den Museumsführer für die Nationalgalerie ansehen und alles war anders.  Die Nationalgalerie ändert ständig ihre Gemälde, aber jetzt haben sie einen ganzen Teil des Museums einfach geschlossen.  Das ist ein großes Problem für uns, weil die Studenten jetzt nicht die Dinge sich ansehen können, die sie sich eigentlich ansehen müssen.

Tonight, our landlord came by to fix the heating element in the convection oven (the regular oven was working).  We had a nice chat.  He has traveled all over the world.

Heute abend war unser Vermieter hier, um den Umluftbackofen zu reparieren (die Ober- und Unterhitze funktioniert).  Wir haben uns nett unterhalten.  Er ist schon sehr viel auf der Welt herumkommen.


  1. Sounds like Peter has already had to deal with one major headache, here’s hoping nothing else goes awry. Your lovely gift, card and Christmas newsletter arrived today. The mug cosy will come in very useful and as always Peter’s droll sense of humour had me chuckling throughout! Gosh you are all a talented bunch for sure 🩷
    We’ve been pondering a possible half way meeting place (depending on whether my health stabilises 😬) and Coventry seems doable. It’s a 2 and 1/2 hour train ride for you and a two hour car journey for me. I don’t know much about the actual place but I did watch a really lovely documentary about the Cathedral which is quite beautiful. I will try and find out more information at some point over the weekend. Maybe you could look at rail tickets and see if that works at your end?
    With love as always
    San xx

    1. Yes, and now he has a cold. He had to pick up the students today, help them to orient themselves, help them buy phones, etc. He was not feeling good.

      That was fast! I am glad you liked it all.

      I will try to find out about tickets, maybe on Sunday . . . We had a home education day at the Postal Museum today and the girls have a workshop at the V&A tomorrow. I just hope that we will not get what Peter has.

    2. Haven't been online . . hope all of you stayed healthy . .

    3. No, we just got the worst flu we have had in ages! Have you stayed healthy? Did the snow reach the city? Our area at home has been hit hard.

    4. We've had just a light coating of snow for the past several snowfalls. I can't even call them snow "storms" as they haven't been stormy. We used to always get storms with a howling wind and the snow blowing coldly into our faces . . not lately! Funny how I miss those wild blizzards. I'm so sorry you caught such a terrible flu. I've come down with a bad cold twice since Christmas; just enough to tire me out for days and to have a runny nose and achy body. I'm looking at Flora's beautiful Grade 9 photo as I write . . lovely pic Eva :)

    5. Yes, I remember your winters! For Western New York, nothing has changed, and this winter is another bad one. Ah, I am sorry to hear about the colds, that is also annoying. Our flu was bad! Today, one of the students said he was not feeling well. If that is the same thing we had, I hope he has not given it to the other students. She looks so grown up, doesn't she? I still think she is pretty little, but I guess she is not.

    6. It makes me happy that you remember our winters . . just a nice validation that we used to get blizzards! I hope your students stay healthy and sixteen is maybe not little, but instead "young." xoxoxo

    7. True! The student is feeling better. We are all very relieved. If it spread through the group . . . Yes, she is still young! And she does look very young.

  2. Another wonderful exhibit! I'm sorry for Peter with the National Gallery. Our Whitney Museum changes out it's regular collection in a similar manner. Whenever I go I see paintings I'd like to show my sister, but by the time she arrives, they've changed everything and I'm unable to show her . . except for photographs which I upload to my computer from my camera but that's not the same. I hope Peter is soon feeling better and the three of you stay healthy!

    1. He was quite annoyed with his experience there. You also have to reserve a free ticket now because the lines are so long. He was not expecting that and had to wait in line forever to get inside. Oh, I did not know that the Whitney Museum also does that. I think they should notify the public before doing that. Peter has lost his voice now and is doing a steam bath right now. The rest of us has stayed healthy so far.

    2. Yay, glad you've been healthy. Funny how everyone is suddenly going to the museum!

    3. Maybe people are getting bored with doing things online and want to experience the real thing again.

    4. Otherwise all the museums would have to close.

    5. Yes, but I will say that things seem to be more crowded than what I'm accustomed to when younger!


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