We did our regular homeschooling routine and some laundry this morning. I cooked lunch and then we took the subway to meet Peter at the Goethe Institut. Our first subway had some kind of problem because it stopped and there was an announcement that there was a smell of smoke. Lots of workers came to check it out, but we decided to leave and walk to the next station instead. There we took a different subway to South Kensington. Peter had spent his morning checking museum guides for the students at the V&A, but surprisingly, there were always no changes from last year, which is good. If artifacts are not in the places the museum guides for the students say they are in, the students cannot complete their assignments. The professors then have to find alternate artifacts and change the guide. I renewed my library membership and we checked out some books and CDs. It was good to be back.
Wir haben heute morgen Schule gemacht und auch Wäsche gewaschen. Dann habe ich gekocht und wir sind mit der U-Bahn in die Stadt gefahren, um Peter beim Goethe Institut zu treffen. Unsere erste U-Bahn blieb plötzlich stehen, weil sich Geruch von Rauch entwickelt hatte. Es kamen viele Arbeiter, um herauszufinden, was los sei, doch wir wollten das Ergebnis nicht abwarten und sind kurzerhand zur nächsten Station gelaufen, wo wir eine neue Linie bis South Kensington genommen haben. Peter war den ganzen Morgen im Victoria & Albert Museum gewesen, weil er die Museumsführer für die Studenten auf eventuelle Abweichungen hin ansehen mußte. Wenn es Abweichungen gibt können die Studenten ihre Arbeitsaufträge nicht erledigen und daher kontrollieren die Professoren immer, ob alles da ist, was sich die Studenten ansehen müssen. Wenn Gegengestände ausgeliehen sind, müssen die Führer für die Studenten umgeschrieben werden. Aber heute war fast alles richtig und es hatte sich kaum was zu letztem Jahr verändert. Das ist immer eine große Erleichterung. Beim Goethe Institut habe ich meine Mitgliedschaft erneuert und dann konnten wir uns Bücher und CDs ausleihen. Es war schön, wieder in dieser Bücherei zu sein.
Natural History Museum
Naturhistorisches Museum
Goethe Institut
Flora found some good books.
Flora hat gute Bücher gefunden.
We had some coffee at the very first Caffè Nero.
Dann haben wir eine Tasse Kaffee/Kakao beim allerersten Caffè Nero getrunken.
Mews on the way to the French bookstore
Marställe auf dem Weg zum französischen Buchladen.
We needed some binders and pens and this store has a wonderful selection and high quality products.
Wir brauchten Mappen und Stifte und dieser Laden hat eine sehr gute Auswahl mit hoher Qualität.
The Goethe Institute looks to be a very interesting place. How lovely that you were able to renew your library membership and borrow some books and CDs.
ReplyDeleteThey offer language classes and have a good selection in their library. I also just love to go there and speak German :).
DeleteThat's Reece Mews. Morgana lived not far from there on Hesper Mews, and also at Earl's Court on Child's Place. We stayed on Beaufort Street in Chelsea. It's a wonderful area and I loved walking around there. I didn't realize how close I was to the Goethe Institute. I'm sorry I missed seeing it. I'd love to have visited the French bookstore too. London is a wonderful place, and it's nice that you can all go when Peter is teaching there :)
ReplyDeleteI remember visiting her at Earl's Court in her "Hobbit Hole" as she called it :). Chelsea is nice. The French bookstore is very pretty. There is also a European bookstore close by. They have German books.
DeleteYes, it was like a cozy hobbit hole. How nice that you visited there :) I hope to visit these wonderful bookstores one day!
DeleteWith the tiniest kitchen :). We just found out that the European bookstore closed; very sad!
DeleteOh, yes! That is sad!!
DeleteNow there are fewer German books to look at.
DeleteMaybe a new European shop will open in the next few years.
DeleteAfter Brexit? I doubt it.