Friday, December 20, 2024

Picture Book: Finding Christmas

We are reading new picture books for Christmas again.  Our book for today was Finding Christmas.  
The Amazon description reads: "Rich illustrations tell the story of a young girl searching for a gift for her baby brother on a snowy Christmas Eve, in a book adorned with red foil type and embossed snowflakes."

And two other picture books that we have recently enjoyed are Cubs in the Tub (a book about Helen and Fred Martini and the Bronx Zoo) and The Strange Birds of Flannery O'Connor.  

It is almost midnight and we are waiting for Jonathan to come home.  He has rented a car, but the roads are quite bad because we have another snow storm coming through.  Hopefully, he will be home soon.  He sent me these squirrel pictures the other day:

Hier sind ein paar Bilderbücher, die wir in den letzten Tagen gelesen haben, doch gibt es sie alle nicht auf Deutsch.

Jonathan hat mir ein paar Eichhörnchenfotos geschickt.  Es ist fast Mitternacht und er ist auf dem Nachhauseweg per Auto, doch schneit es so viel, daß er immer noch nicht hier ist.  Hoffentlich kommt er bald.


  1. Aren't they lovely photos! He put one up on his IG story the other day. I hope all is well and he has arrived home safely. It's snowing here also, just a little bit :) We're supposed to go for our tree tomorrow.

    1. Yes, I know that it was there. He did arrive safely, but it was a hard drive. So good to know that you finally got some snow. Did you get your tree?

    2. Yes, it was a very cold visit, but fun.

    3. Oh, I went to your blog and read about it. It did look very cold!

  2. Gut, dass Jonathan in dem ganzen Schneewetter gut bei Euch eingetroffen ist!

    1. Ja, es war keine schöne Fahrt. Hoffentlich ist die Rückfahrt im Januar weniger schneereich.


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