Thursday, May 23, 2024

Just Two Pictures/Nur zwei Fotos

There was a guest artist at ballet today (Flora could not join them because she had a cold.)
Heute hat ein Gasttänzer die Mädchen unterrichtet (leider hatte Flora einen Schnupfen und mußte zu Hause bleiben).

Miriam is receiving her diploma from President Messmore.
Miriam erhält ihre Abschlußurkunde von Präsident Messmore.


  1. I hope Veronika enjoyed the class and that Flora feels better . . such a lovely photo of Miriam with her diploma.

    1. She thought the dancer was a bit condescending and did everything a bit too fast. He was from the New York Theater Ballet. Miriam was happy to get a diploma from Magdalen (normally they do not hand them out for the associate's degree).

    2. That's too bad about the guest teacher . . hopefully they invite someone who is more understanding next time.

    3. Yes, maybe there were too many young girls for him.

    4. Yes, he may have been accustomed to teaching older students.

  2. Sorry to read that Flora missed out, I hope she is soon feeling better. Lovely photo of Miriam xxx

    1. I think she was feeling better today, but had to sneeze a lot. However, she did attend the birthday party she had been invited to and tonight, she looks much better. That is the only "official" photo of the moment she received her diploma we have gotten so far. I hope they took some more. She was very happy.


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