Saturday, May 25, 2024

Book Sale and Fox/Buchverkauf und Fuchs

There was a library book sale today and we all went.  We found two bags full of books (I think one bag was for Peter and the other for the rest of us).  Veronika, Charlotte, and Flora went to a birthday party in the afternoon.  We did our cleaning and also some yard work before it rained.  We saw a baby fox.  Leo tries to get all the snakes in our yard, but they are faster than he is.  He does not like that.   

Heute konnte man in der Bücherei gebrauchte Bücher kaufen.  Wir haben zwei Stofftaschen gefüllt: eine war für Peter und eine für den Rest der Familie.  Veronika, Charlotte und Flora waren am Nachmittag bei einer Geburtstagsfeier.  Wir haben geputzt und im Garten gearbeitet.  Dann lief draußen ein junger Fuchs herum.  Leo versucht, alle Schlangen im Garten zu fangen, aber sie sind schneller als er.  Das ärgert ihn sehr.

Some of last year's flowers, which I had planted, are blooming.
Einige der Blumen, die ich letztes Jahr gepflanzt haben, blühen schon.

I have started to wash all winter coats.  These here are filled with down and need a special detergent.
Ich habe angefangen, die Winterjacken zu waschen.  Diese hier sind mit Federn gefüllt und brauchen ein Spezialwaschmittel.

Baby fox
Junger Fuchs

Relaxing after hunting insects and snakes.
Nach dem Jagen von Insekten und Schlangen muß man sich erholen.


  1. Gah I did not know that down coats need a special detergent! I tend to use a non bio powder generally. Did you use a wool friendly laundry liquid/powder? Xx

    1. They do, if you want to prevent the natural oils in down from drying out. It also helps to preserve the loft. I use Le Blanc Downwash, but I do not think you can buy that in the UK. It is biodegradable and very good. There is Mountval Down Wash and Nikwax Down Wash in the U.K. They get good reviews, but I have not tried them. I use Ecover Wool and Silk for woolen items. I used to use Woolite for those, but recently, I noticed that their bottles here in the U.S. do not carry the recommendation for items with the Woolmark sign anymore. I also noticed that it seems to have gotten "harsher." So I do not use it for wool anymore, only for synthetics that need to be washed with the delicate cycle.

  2. I have to start on my woolen washing . . I wish I had an outdoor clothes line! It's nice to hang the clothes in the fresh air. How sweet to see Leo exhausted and quiet after running around!

    1. We always have so many woolen items! Hanging the woolens outside is a wonderful treat here. Could you take your woolens to Montauk and wash them there? Leo needs lots of exercise, but he neither likes the rain nor the heat.

    2. Yes, that's a good point. I'll do some here and then take a bunch to the house. Leo likes perfect weather!

    3. I hope it will work out with the laundry. Leo is a funny cat. When it is hot, he tries to get under somebody's skirt. When it rains, he goes right back in. And then there are so many scary people outside that he also needs to run towards to house, jump through the screen, and be safe. He is not fond of our neighbors and hates the janitor of the Christian school down the street. For him he does somersaults in the air to get faster back inside. Our screen has a huge hole now because Leo ripped it open by jumping against and through it.

    4. Oh, poor Leo! He is so fortunate to have found Flora and all of you!


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