Thursday, November 23, 2023


Miriam and Mary cut a lot of vegetables today.
Miriam und Mary haben heute viel Gemüse geschnitten.

Happy Thanksgiving!




  1. Happy Thanksgiving to you all, we ate pumpkin pie and thought of you 🩷. How lovely that you have an extra guest in amongst the regular gaggle of kiddoes. Veronika’s proposed university looks really lovely, I bet she’s looking forward to a bit of independence 🙂. I’m sorry to read about Flora’s foot that does not sound great at all, so I hope that the physio exercises do the trick, love San xx

    1. Thanks so much, San! Ha, we did not have pumpkin at all yesterday :). Mary lives in Montana and could not go home for Thanksgiving. The break is too short and the distance from New Hampshire is too far, so she came to us. This was one of the colleges/universities we will look at for Veronika. She wants to study costume design and there are not many places that are "close," have tuition exchange, are somewhat conservative, in a safe location, and have a Catholic church close by. We have at least two more we want to take a look at. Veronika will not start until the fall of 2025 because she wants to go to London with us one more time. So there is still time. She will be done with school in June 2024, though. Flora is doing her foot exercises faithfully and will get new pointe shoes today. Her teacher thought that the shoes are too small and that new shoes would also help.

  2. Ah so hopefully we might manage another meet up next time you are in London, that would be lovely if we can manage it! I guess it will be 2025 for that proposed visit? Here’s hoping the new shoes will help xxx

    1. That would be nice! Yes, January-April 2025 will be our turn. I also hope that the shoes will help with the pain.

  3. Happy Thanksgiving dear Eva. Everything looks delicious and peaceful. I also think it's lovely that Veronika is interested in Costume Design. I hope you find a school that she will be happy at.
    We were glad that it worked out for Chanda be with us for Thanksgiving. Several students stayed in Woods Hole and celebrated at a teacher's home. It's nice to do :)

  4. Replies
    1. Thanks so much! I hope that yours was also a nice get-together. Costume design is a very different choice from her siblings, but she is very good with her hands. That must a be a very welcoming teacher of Chanda's. Mary also could not go home, it was too war, so she stayed with us.


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