Monday, November 27, 2023

Back to NH and MA/Rückfahrt nach New Hampshire und Massachusetts

Jonathan, Miriam, and Mary drove back to the Northeast yesterday morning.  Miriam sent a picture from the drive.

Jonathan, Miriam und Mary sind am Sonntagmorgen zurück in den Nordosten gefahren.  Miriam hat ein Foto von der Fahrt gemacht.

Loading the car
Das Auto wird bepackt.

We have entered the last three weeks of our semester.  On Saturday, the girls have their first two Nutcracker performances.  Today, Charlotte slipped and fell on her back while playing outside with the children she tutors.  We had gotten some snow overnight and they had a snowball fight outside.  I had to pick her up so she could come home and rest.  She seems to be doing better tonight.  Snow is moving into our area.  We hope the roads will be clear enough for the ballet drive tomorrow.

Peter's grandfather has gotten quite ill.  We prayed a rosary for him tonight.  He is 99 years of age.  We visited him in 2022 and he was doing so well.  See our pictures here.

Jetzt haben die letzten drei Semesterwochen angefangen.  Am Samstag haben die Mädchen zwei Nußknackervorführungen.  Heute ist Charlotte bei einer Schneeballschlacht mit den Kindern, die sie privat unterrichtet, auf den Rücken gefallen.  Ich mußte sie abholen, damit sie sich zu Hause erholen konnte.  Heute abend scheint es ihr besser zu gehen.  Wir sollen in den nächsten Tagen recht viel Schnee bekommen.  Hoffentlich sind die Straßen zum Ballettstudio passierbar.

Peters Großvater, der jetzt 99 Jahre alt ist, ist sehr krank.  Wir haben einen Rosenkranz für ihn heute abend gebetet.  Wir haben ihn im Sommer 2022 besucht und es ging ihm so gut.  Hier sind Fotos von unserem Besuch.


  1. I hope Charlotte continues to improve as it sounds like she had a nasty fall. I’m sorry to read about Peter’s grandfather I will keep him in my prayers. Sending hugs to you all love San xx

    1. She has and went back to dancing tonight after staying home for almost two days. She briefly passed out during that fall and was dizzy and weak, but did not really insure anything. Peter's grandfather is slowly declining and people are saying their good-byes. We live too far to do that.

  2. It was nice to see the photos from your visit with Great Grandfather. I send all of you much love and and also continued good well wishes to Charlotte. xoxo

    1. Thanks so much. He was still in such good health last year. Charlotte has recovered, but there are some turns in ballet she cannot do right now.


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