Saturday, November 18, 2023

Preparing for the Holidays/Feiertagsvorbereitungen

Early on Saturday we drove to the GCV&M to participate in "Preparing for the Holidays."

Früh am Samstagmorgen sind wir ins Freilichtmuseum gefahren, um an den "Feiertagsvorbereitungen" teilzunehmen.  

On the way, we noticed that the snow fences are already up.
Auf der Hinfahrt haben wir gesehen, daß die Schneezäune schon stehen.

It was a beautiful, but cold day.
Es war ein sehr schöner, aber kalter Tag.

We dropped off Veronika and Flora behind the buildings so they could get their costumes and attend the meeting for the workers.

Wir haben Veronika und Flora hinter den Gebäuden abgesetzt, damit sie ihre Kostüme bekommen konnten und auch an dem Treffen der Arbeiter teilnehmen konnten.

Flora had to roast chestnuts and hand out samples.
Flora hat Eßkastanien geröstet und Kostproben an die Gäste verteilt.

Roasting over the fire
Rösten über dem Feuer

This is the building Flora was working in: Thomson's Tavern.
In diesem alten Gasthaus hat Flora gearbeitet.

Most gardens were quite empty.
Die meisten Gärten waren sehr leer.

Some apples were still there.
Einige Äpfel waren aber noch an den Bäumen.

Charlotte and I decided to participate in a corn wheel making activity with Senecas.
Charlotte und ich haben an einer Maisbrotaktivität mit Seneca Indianern teilgenommen.

We  made flat breads out of water and roasted corn flour.  Those breads were then cooked in boiling water.

Aus Wasser und geröstetem Maismehl haben wir Fladen geformt, die in heißem Wasser gekocht wurden.

The finished wheels were wrapped in foil.
Die fertigen Fladen wurden dann in Alufolie verpackt.

A pie at Jones Farm
Eine Pastete im Bauernhaus

Making sausage

Smoke house

We picked up Flora to have some lunch.
Wir haben Flora zum Mittagessen abgeholt.

Later, Charlotte and I attended a lecture on coverlets, which was very interesting.  For example, all coverlets from NY were either red and white or blue and white.  In neighboring PA, there were also red-white-blue-green ones.

Am Nachmittag waren Charlotte und ich bei einem Vortrag über Tagesdecken.  Der war höchst interessant.  Alle Tagesdecken in New York waren entweder blau-weiß oder rot-weiß.  In Pennsylvanien gab es auch welche mit mehr Farben: blau-rot-weiß-grün.

NY vs. PA
New York und Pennsylvanien

Veronika was selling goods at the confectionary
Veronika hat in der Süßwarenhandlung verkauft.

Then Charlotte tried her hand at dipping candles.
Dann hat sich Charlotte am Kerzenziehen beteiligt.

The Altay store had a cozy fire going.
Der Gemischtwarenhändler hatte ein gemütliches Feuer.

Locust tree

Turkey (alive)
Truthahn (noch lebendig)

Peter is discovering the child within.
Peter entdeckt das innere Kind.


  1. Great photos Eva! It's fun walking on stilts :) I love roasted chestnuts . . does Flora? Greg and I noticed the snow fencing at the beach when we were there the other weekend . . how was your corn wheel? Did you get to eat it? What kind of pie was that?

    1. Yes, I used to have stilts when I was young. Flora liked them and so did the visitors. There were several old ladies who had never tried them before. Ah, maybe it is a NYS thing? I have never seen those fences anywhere else. I forgot to take a picture of the finished corn wheel. The roasted corn had a delicate flavor. We ate the corn wheels with butter and maple syrup and that was yummy. We ate them at home and warmed them up first. I think if I made them again, I would add some salt, though. I think that was a meat pie because they were showing how to make sausages, but it was so crowded that I could not ask the ladies working there because they were so busy.


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