Saturday, November 4, 2023

Last Few Days/Die letzten Tage

We have some beautiful sunrises (Flora took this picture) right now.
Wir haben im Moment schöne Sonnenaufgänge (Flora hat dieses Foto gemacht).

Some pages from Flora's studies
Einige Seiten aus Floras Heft

Flora took a picture of our lunch on Friday.
Flora hat das Mittagessen am Freitag fotografiert.

While Veronika was taking the SAT today, Charlotte, Flora and I attended the 140-year celebration of the Christian academy Charlotte teaches at.  Here is the children's choir.

Während Veronika die Collegeaufnahmeprüfung geschrieben hat, waren Charlotte, Flora und ich bei der 140-Jahr-Feier der christlichen Akademie, an der Charlotte unterrichtet.  Hier singt der Kinderchor.

They installed a new principal (on the left).
Der neue Rektor (links) wurde offiziell eingeführt.

Then our college president gave a talk.
Dann hat unser College Präsident eine Rede gehalten.

Flora worked at the SPCA again and later she studied some German geography.  My father graciously bought her this workbook.

Flora hat wieder im Tierheim ausgeholfen und dann ein wenig deutsche Erdkunde mit dem Arbeitsheft, das ihr mein Vater netterweise gekauft hat, geübt.


  1. That's a nice workbook. I've always loved reading maps . . does Flora enjoy the map work? Beautiful sunrise and schoolwork! And lunch looks sehr lecker :)

    1. Flora loves it and it is good for her to use a map and get to know Germany. It is hard for her, but she is getting much better at hit. Ha, ha, Flora took that lunch picture. It was a very simple meal. We normally eat fish, but recently we have not been able to find fish without additives. So we have switched to eggs. Peter used to go to Wegmans once a week during ballet, but that does not work this semester, so he only gets to go to smaller stores. All of those stores have a bad selection of fish.


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