Saturday, November 11, 2023

St. Martin and "Our Town"/St. Martin und "Unsere kleine Stadt"

Happy Martinmas!
Alles Gute zum Martinstag!

After the Saturday cleaning, baking, and SPCA (for Flora), we treated us for a performance of "Our Town" put on by our college.  Peter and I had several students in it and enjoyed watching them.

Nach dem normalen Samstagsputzen, Backen und Tierheimarbeit (Flora) haben wir uns eine Aufführung von "Unsere kleine Stadt" angesehen.  Die Aufführung war auf dem Campus und Peter und ich hatten Studenten, die mitgespielt haben.  Es war schön, sie in den Rollen zu sehen. 


  1. One of my favorite plays!!! How nice to see it with your students performing :)

  2. P.S. I love your Martinmas lanterns and card.

  3. I read it with Veronika last school year. It was fun to see all those students in it. That card is quite old. I think I bought it in Germany :). We have not done a lantern walk because of the play and I am not sure if we will this year. But Miriam had a huge walk with many participants.


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