Sunday, November 12, 2023

Sunday Walk/Sonntagspaziergang

Here are a few pictures of our Sunday walk.
Hier sind ein paar Fotos von unserem Sonntagsspaziergang.

I think they have not used their fireplace for a long time.
Dieser Kamin ist schon lange nicht mehr benutzt worden!

Garden gnome


We stopped briefly at Charlotte's classroom at the Academy.
Wir haben kurz bei Charlottes Klassenzimmer bei der Akademie angehalten.

This rose in our front yard thinks it is summer!
Diese Rose bei uns im Vorgarten denkt, es sei bald Sommer!

Pumpkin bars (from Charlotte)
Kürbiskuchen (von Charlotte)


  1. Oh, those pumpkin bars! Is that a cream cheese frosting?! So delicious looking! What is Charlotte teaching at the Academy? You'll have to take a photo of the rose when it opens . . such a late bloomer :)

    1. Yes, it was cream cheese, butter, and cream, I believe. I am afraid the rose will not make it. We are supposed to get snow on the weekend.

  2. (I'm sure you mentioned what she is teaching . . but I've forgotten!)

    1. She is teaching a dance/film class and a ballet/dance class.

    2. ! That is interesting :) Do you know what films she has chosen to discuss and show?

    3. I think the students are making films! They have to create dance pieces and film them. I am sure Charlotte has shown them excerpts of films and I know she is using things she has learned at Mercyhurst. I have to ask her about particular excerpts she has been using.


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